Category Archives: Definitions

What is an IP address?

IP address is a unique number assigned to every computer connected to the Internet. Every device connected to the Internet is associated with an IP address, which could be a phone, tablet, or PC.

The IP address refers to the kind of number that your device is assigned on the world wide web. Once you are connected to the Internet via an Internet router (wifi or cable), your device is assigned a private IP address. The router’s DHCP servers recognize this private IP (or internal IP). This means this router will have a public IP, and all connected devices will have their IP.

Imagine you have a letter that you want to send to someone. In order for the letter to reach its destination, you need to write the recipient’s address on the envelope. Similarly, an IP address acts as the address for data packets traveling across the internet. It ensures that the information you send from your device reaches the intended recipient by providing a unique identifier for each device on a network.

For instance, the private IP address isn’t accessible to anyone else. It is a kind of security to protect against attacks or intruders from external networks. There is currently a massive lack of IP addresses online, so it is advised to transfer public IP addresses or servers for the Internet.

How do I find the local IP address?

  1. On Windows
    Use the search bar at the bottom left corner, and search for “command prompt” or “cmd” (without quotes);

Click “Open”;

Write”ipconfig” or “ipconfig” and press the “Enter” key on the keyboard.

Search for “IPv4 Address”;

The number displayed on this page is your current IP.

How can I find out an IP address of an external source
To find out the IP address of your external number, you may turn to websites that provide this for you at no cost. In this case, we’ll use What my IP Address, which works with web browsers on desktops, Android phones, and iPhones.

Open a browser and go to “” (without quotes);

Just wait until the website loads the data;

The IP number will be displayed as “IPv4”;

Below the page, you will see the information from your internet service provider.

On top of that, an interactive map of your current location of yours will be displayed.

Static IP is a number that is permanently assigned to equipment. Therefore, the equipment is always assigned this particular IP even if the device is disconnected and reconnected to the network after.

Dynamic IP is a number given to a device upon its connection to the Internet. Every time the device has been renewed, the router or equipment that manages this network can assign each device the available IP address. In other words, it does not reserve a specific address for it.

IPv4 vs. IPv6

IPv4 is the 4th most popular variation of the IP protocol. It uses standard 32 bits addresses IPV4 includes 4,294,967 addresses.

It might seem like a lot, but if we consider it, up until recent times, we were connecting notebooks or desktops to the Internet. We also connect phones, cameras, tablets, smartwatches, televisions, and more.

The trend for the growth of IoT is vast, and the IoT market is enormous. A study by Qualcomm suggests Brazil’s IoT market could increase to 10 percent of the GDP over the next few years.

The scenario in which everything is connected is fantastic. However, there’s one issue: the amount of available IPs doesn’t reflect the number of connections.

As a solution to this limitation, IPv6 emerged, which uses standard 128-bit addresses, providing a total of 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 IP addresses.

What is angular and why it is so popular


You can find numerous JavaScript frameworks available for server-side and client-side rendering, but choosing a reliable framework that well suits your project requirements is a challenging task be it a website, JavaScript system, or single-page application. Selecting the platform that doesn’t suit your requirements might negatively affect your project’s resilience and ability to meet deadlines. JavaScript developers are always confused while choosing a framework between React and Angular. So if you’re also one of those developers then you’re not alone.

Enterprises have already realized that expanding business and developing mobile and web applications using the capabilities of the Angular framework will help them to deliver an amazing user experience, enhance productivity, and ease of access. So, currently, the Angular framework is one of the best front-end platforms with MVVM architecture to develop interactive apps that possess modular structure, fast responsiveness, declarative UI, code maintainability, and much more.

Are you ready to know more about the Angular framework and know why it is gaining so much popularity to date? If so, then in this article, we’re going to discuss in detail the Angular framework and the reasons behind its popularity. So without any further ado, let’s get started!

What is Angular?

Angular was created in 2009 by the Google community to assist web development and its main aim was to make the process of front-end development simple, easy, and more accessible. Without any doubt, you can go with Angular as it provides high-end security and simplification to the entire development lifecycle. Over the past few years, it is gaining immense popularity and becoming one of the best front-end frameworks that developers prefer to create web and mobile apps that are modular and responsive.

Angular is an open-source framework that uses JavaScript-based TypeScript programming language to eradicate dispensable codebase and ensure faster and lighter web apps. Developers can create amazing single-page applications with a dynamic nature and an interactive user interface.

You’ll get a lot more than predicted if you choose the Angular framework for front-end development. It provides you with a comprehensive set of compelling features including RESTful API handling, two-way data binding, AJAX handling, modularization, and much more.

Now that you’re aware of the Angular framework, let’s have a look at the main reasons behind the popularity of Angular.

Why is Angular so popular?

According to the Stack Overflow Survey conducted in 2021, Angular is the fourth most used platform for front-end web development because it offers a wide range of excellent features and benefits when implemented correctly. (Source: Stack Overflow)But why is angular so popular? Let’s have a look!

1. Supported by Google

We all know that Google is one of the greatest firms in the digital era with a large talent pool of developers who offer long-term support for the Angular framework to scale up to enterprise application development. You’ll be surprised to know that many giant and popular brands use the capabilities of the Angular framework such as YouTube TV, Netflix, Upwork, Gmail, and many more.

Angular is gaining popularity because it is supported by Google and offers excellent features. Google applications also use Angular and they’re quite impressed with its stability.

2. Cross-platform features

  • Desktop App: Developers can use native OS APIs to create Desktop-Installed apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  • Progressive Web Apps: For delivering an app-like experience having zero-step installation and high-quality performance, Angular is a great platform.
  • Build Native: You can easily develop native mobile apps with techniques from Ionic, Cordova, or NativeScript.

3. Two-way data binding

Angular is a two-way data binding process that helps in replicating all changes that are made in the template, that too safely and intuitively. Developers using the Angular framework for front-end development can build eye-catching and dynamic applications quickly with high-end performance when used beyond limits. They no longer have to be worried about the pulling and pushing of data which saves a lot of time.

4. Declarative UI

The Angular front-end development framework uses HTML to define the user interface of the application when compared to JavaScript, which is a less complex language. We all are aware of HTML, it is a popular declarative markup language that eradicated the requirement to invest hours in program flows and planning what loads first. While working with Angular, developers only need to map out what is needed and the rest is taken care of by the framework itself.

5. Modular structure

With Angular development, your code will be managed into buckets, whether it is service, components, or directives. Who’s already aware of Angular refers to these buckets as modules that make the application functionality easy and simple. Angular makes it easy for businesses to achieve their goal and split the labor across various team members to make sure that the code is organized. Apart from this, you can make use of modules to enhance productivity if you’re familiar with modules.

Now that we know the reasons behind the popularity of Angular development, let’s have a look at who uses Angular:

Top Companies Using Angular

You’ll be surprised to know that many giant and big brands use Angular front-end development framework for their websites including:

  • Google
  • Upwork
  • PayPal
  • IBM
  • Forbes
  • Gmail
  • Santander
  • Deutsche Bank

This shows that Angular is already a leading platform and a great choice for leading businesses when it comes to front-end development. Combined with amazing technology and practical features, it is a great pick for those who are planning to develop a next-gen application with high-end features. So if you’re one of them, then undoubtedly, you must go with Angular!

The Final Say

These are just a few reasons that show the overall popularity of Angular for application development. You can find more such advantages and great reasons to pick Angular and develop a top-notch software application. As an open-source framework, it is also a user-friendly platform that allows your product to stand out from the crowd and help customers to start monetizing.

Here we have seen that Angular is way more popular and adaptable by giant brands as well. I still can’t stop myself from discussing the best of Angular development as it also helps you to save a lot of time, fast- development, and adaptability to technological advancements to make sure that your application has all the desired features and functionalities.

We hope you find this post helpful. It would be great for us if you share our article on Facebook or Twitter to reach more audiences. Feel free to approach us in the comment section given below and ask your queries.

What is IP spoofing?

It is not only criminals in the real world who employ these techniques to access sensitive information and bank accounts, but their colleagues in the virtual realm also do so successfully.

What is IP spoofing?

This practice is called spoofing – a collective category that includes the concepts of IP address spoofing (sending messages to computers using the IP address of a trusted source), email spoofing (spoofing the email header to disguise the true sender) and DNS spoofing (changing the DNS server settings for domain name redirection to the attackers’ IP address).

You can only protect yourself by following common sense and observing the basic rules of safe working in the network, for example, under no circumstances giving your personal data by email. mail, even if the sender’s reputation is beyond doubt.

IP – spoofing is a substitution of the sender’s address , one of the IP – header fields , by writing another value . The complexity lies in the fact , that the machine , received a title with such address , will send a response to the address , and not to address crackers .

In case with the TCP – connection is necessary to obtain a response from the destination to install the connection with him . When you install the TCP – connection is important so -called the ISN ( the Initial the Sequence Number The ) – initial sequence number .

In time setting the connection between machines is transmitted serial number of the customer , designated as ISNc , and also transmitted by the ISN of the server , as ISNs. Make sure you establish a connection.

the client sends the TCP – packet with established flag of the SYN , as he chooses ISNc .
server increases on unit ISNc and send it back together with their ISNs .
client responds packet ACK , containing ISNs , enlarged on unit .
When a cracker tries to establish the TCP – connection with spoofed the IP – address , the server sends a computer A package the SYN – the ACK , containing its the ISN . So as the computer A does not send the server package the SYN , it will respond package RST for the interruption of an unknown compound .

The cracker remains wait until computer A is turned off or restarted . Cracker is not able to see the ISN , sent one machine to another . He needs this ISN in the third step , when he will have to increase it by 1 and send it . The attacker must guess the ISN . In old operating rooms systems ( OS ) it was very easy to guess the ISN – it increased by one with each connection .

Modern operating systems use a mechanism , which prevents guessing the ISN . Modern services are used for the authentication name of the user and password and transmit data in encrypted form , so in our time was no longer any need in the IP – spoofing .

How does spoofing work?

For example, email spoofing hackers can mislead the user about the sender’s identity and gain access to sensitive data. Or, they may try to use IP and DNS spoofing techniques to trick the user’s network into redirecting them to rogue sites masquerading as the real ones, thereby causing the user’s computer to become infected.

How to recognize spoofing?

The easiest way to recognize email spoofing is that the direct target is the user himself. Any email message Email that requires the user to provide personal information may be a spoofing attempt, especially if prompted for credentials. Remember, no trusted private or government agency requests personal information this way. Pay attention to the sender’s address to make sure it is legitimate.

However, the user will almost never know that he is a victim of IP or DNS spoofing, although the habit of paying close attention to details and changes in the usual behavior of the site can be extremely beneficial. If the site or its behavior raises the slightest doubt, it is better to refuse to perform the planned operation,

What is the metaverse?

A metaverse can be thought of as a shared digital space or as a world to which Internet users are connected.
Through the use of virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR), metaverse space becomes more realistic.
The metaverse is interesting in that it is seen as the next step in the development of the Internet. The coronavirus pandemic has caused the transfer of work and study to the internet, which has prompted a demand for a more interactive online presence.

The metaverse extends the boundaries of user interaction and moves from viewing content to full immersion in it. As soon as it comes up, holograms from science fiction films are presented – and it’s already a reality.
From small to large companies, a variety of solutions are already available to take their place in the metaverse. Typically, augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) is accessed through glasses or a headset. Smart glasses were originally supplied by video analytics companies to law enforcement agencies for security purposes.

What is the metaverse?

Metaverse can be viewed as the next generation of the Internet. The Metaverse is not simply an information highway, but an immersive adventure. Rather than typing on a keyboard and looking at a monitor, you can view the metaverse through a virtual reality helmet or smart glasses, and motion tracking devices will allow you to move freely within it. You can even interact with other people and objects.

Companies and enterprises will not be able to own or control the metaverse, but they will be able to use and interact with it just like everyone else. Furthermore, there will be no single regulatory body to oversee the metaverse.

Blockchain technology will be used to protect this platform from fraud and other security threats. The use of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), will enable you to make money transfers and conclude transactions.

Although most of the potential of the metaverse hasn’t been realized and is only theoretical right now, the gaming community is making strides to bring ideas to life using the Internet. People can already access a variety of integrated services and products as a result of the very first elements, which already offer ample potential for growth and development. A number of corporations, including Facebook (now Meta), have an incentive to take the metaverse to the next level, but organic growth and evolution are key to its success.

There is no company, government, or organization with the same power as you. Metaverses must remain decentralized and focused on the people using, maintaining, and developing them.

Microsoft, following Facebook, decided to create a metaverse

Teams will offer 3D avatars and virtual workspaces to support collaboration and communication in the first phase of its development.

Using Microsoft Mesh mixed reality technology, which was introduced in 2021, the new feature will be developed. Through it, you can connect users of different devices – from smartphones to PCs to VR headsets – in one virtual environment.

Both three-dimensional spaces and conventional videoconferencing will be able to use 3D avatars. Bloomberg reports that users of the virtual world will be able to exchange files in Microsoft Office programs including PowerPoint presentations. Microsoft algorithms will analyze the user’s voice and adjust the avatar’s voice based on his tone, Mesh Kathy Kelly, general manager of Microsoft products, told The Verge.

Metaverse creation requires certain qualities

In spite of Facebook’s recent rebranding, it is far from the only corporation interested in the vast and largely powerless metaverse. Other tech giants such as Microsoft, Unity, Amazon, Epic Games, and Amazon are also helping developers, designers, and entrepreneurs grow the sector. Nvidia, a company that makes computer chips, is developing Omniverse, a platform for augmented reality simulations that will help establish the metaverse.

There are several basic characteristics of the metaverse, including:

Real-time synchronization of events across all users
Operation of the system without interruption
Events that span both the physical and virtual worlds

There is a fully functional cryptocurrency economy in today’s metaverse as well. Cryptocurrency allows any individual or enterprise to participate in a given economy. Through the metaverse, cryptocurrency can be used to buy, sell, and earn virtual real estate, which can then be exchanged in the real world for fiat currencies.

This “next generation internet” goes even further. An augmented reality created in the digital sphere, using not only the Internet but also decentralized ledgers, smart contracts, 3D technologies and more.

How or who to populate the metaverse?

Generally, you can populate it with anything and anyone, even with characters from Dota2 (an e-sports game in which the characters are monsters) or Pushkin’s fairy tales. Everything is possible in the digital world, but are people going to use it, and what is the practical value of it? Nothing else. However, if it contains our digital counterparts, it can offer a practical benefit.

Digital twins are mathematical counterparts that share all or nearly all of our characteristics such as character, health, skills, and preferences, as well as appearance. The digital twin can act independently when we are not in the metaverse: make friends, do routine economic transactions for us (pay for utilities, choose the best product), read and make notes from various books, or do anything else we are too lazy to do because of routine or knowledge overload. One of the most promising areas of development in digitalization is the creation of digital twins.

As a result, we’ll keep in touch with our digital twin, either constantly or periodically, so we can remove information, assign tasks, or correct the image of our digital twin, so that it doesn’t disappear without us. It’s similar to what we do today. Nevertheless, the digital copy will be the same, but with some assumptions.

A Guide: Code Obfuscation Reverse-Engineering

Figures of code obfuscation are one of the most popular application security approaches for preventing application hacking. It is one of the most frequently suggested AppSec efforts by security specialists all around the world, and it often takes care of your application’s very minimal security requirements. This strategy is frequently used as a major defense mechanism against hacking attempts and protects against typical threats such as code injection, reverse engineering, and tampering with customers’ and application users’ personal information.

Obfuscation of the code?
The practice of obfuscating executables such it was no longer comprehensible, intelligible, or practical is known as code obfuscation. The source code has been obfuscated to the extent that it is incomprehensible and difficult for a third party to grasp, let alone execute. The end-user ui or the code’s intended output are unaffected by obscurity. It is just a precautionary step to render the code useless to any potential hacker who has access to a software’s executable code.

Why is it necessary to obfuscate code?
Obfuscation of code is especially important for open-source software, which have a significant disadvantage in terms of hackability for personal benefit. Developers guarantee that their product’s intellectual property is protected against security risks, illegal access, and the discovery of application flaws by making a program difficult to reverse engineer.

Regardless of the type of obscuring technique utilized, this approach restricts dangerous source code and ensures varied levels of program security. The time, cost, and resource reasons all favor abandoning your code when it is obfuscated since the decompiled code is rendered illegible.
Techniques for Code Obfuscation
Obfuscation works on various levels: it may be implemented at the semantic/lexical code structure level or at the data structure/control flow level. Obfuscation strategies also differ depending on the action on the code. In essence, the security team determines the sort of obfuscation to use on the code in cooperation with the development team.

Obfuscation should be renamed.
This approach entails confusingly naming variables so that the actual aim of utilizing them is cleverly hidden. Decompilers have a hard time understanding the control flow since methods and variables are renamed with various notations and numbers. This obfuscation method is commonly used to disguise Java,.NET, and Android platform application code. This is classified as layout obfuscation since it targets the source code directly to provide a protection layer for the application.

Obfuscation of data
This method focuses on the data structures utilized in the code, making it impossible for the hacker to access the program’s true goal. This may entail changing the way data is stored in memory by the software and how that data is processed to produce the final outcome. This procedure can be done in a variety of ways:

1. Obfuscation of Aggregation
The way data is saved in the software changes as a result of this. Arrays, for example, might be divided down into multiple sub-arrays that could then be referenced throughout the program.

2. Obfuscation of data storage
This has an impact on the way data is stored in memory. Developers can, for example, shuffle between local and global variable storage to obscure the true nature of variable behavior.

3. Obtaining obfuscation on demand
This approach changes the order of data without changing the functionality of the program/code snippet. Developers achieve this by creating a distinct module that is invoked for each instance of the variable reference.

4. Encrypting strings
This technique encrypts all readable strings, resulting in code that is illegible. When the software is run, they must be decrypted at runtime.

5. Obfuscation of Control/Code Flow
The manner in which control is transmitted from one portion of the codebase to another is crucial in establishing the program’s goal. Obfuscating this flow is frequently the most profitable manner of perverting the game’s flow. This obfuscation strategy keeps hackers at bay by making it difficult for them to figure out how and why the code is following a specific path.

The inclusion of random and unexpected statements, as well as needless case-switch statements (dead code) that would never be executed, is one of the most prevalent ways to accomplish this obfuscation strategy. These assertions have no other function except to perplex the targeted hacker. In the case of conditional program orientation, this change in the sequence of program execution statements is extremely useful.

Obfuscation is being debugged.
Debug information is frequently useful in determining vital information about program flow and defects by decompiling and recompiling source code. It’s critical to hide such identifying data by altering their identities, line numbers, or turning off access to debug data entirely.

Obfuscation should be addressed.
Memory programming mistakes have grown widespread in attacks, especially in non-memory safe languages like C and C++. Security flaws are frequently caused by errors such as uncontrolled array access. The address obfuscation approach makes reverse engineering difficult since the virtual addresses of the code and data of the program are randomized each time the converted code is performed. As a result, the majority of memory-error attacks are non-deterministic, with a very low likelihood of success.

Personalized Coding
Developers use this approach to encrypt strings with a custom algorithm and then provide a decoder function to recover the original code.

Arguments Passed at Runtime
It is possible to modify the program such that it expects parameters at runtime. In order to decode the variables, the user must have both the code and the decryption key.

To develop a layered defense method for safeguarding applications against diverse security threats, the security team may choose to deploy more than one technique at the same time.

To summary, misdirection alone is ineffective in combating advanced security concerns. It is more difficult to deobfuscate code due to the availability of ai software and the skill of hackers, but it is not impossible. As a result, cryptography isn’t a panacea for all software security concerns.

The development team might use a variety of code obfuscation approaches to secure their code in an untrusted environment, depending on the security need, nature of the program, and performance benchmark. These should be carried out while taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Other AppSec initiatives, such as encryption, RASP, data retention regulations, and so on, should be supported by this strategy. When combined with RASP solutions like AppSealing, it becomes a potent antidote to today’s security concerns.