Cyber security threat predictions in 2022

Cyber security threat predictions in 2022

Despite the latest security software, firewalls, and end-to-end encryption processes, cyber criminals find new ways to incorporate security systems with tiny loopholes daily. In 2021, we went through some of the most vulnerable hacks around the world. In order to combat such attacks every individual tech savvy should follow security measures to safeguard their personal computers or work place computers. So for companies and individuals opting a better cyber security system is the only solution.

In the future, a cyber-cold war that resembles a real war will become more real as cybercriminals use sophisticated tools and ransomware attacks to demand more money from companies and governments.

cyber security threat predictions in 2022

False news

Through social media and other media, misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic and the efficacy of vaccines is spreading like wildfire in 2021.

Because of this, illegal businesses have proliferated on the dark web and on few famous social media platforms, selling fake vaccination certificates or COVID certificates containing malware.

This type of misinformation will, of course, continue to play an active role in phishing attacks in 2022. This is not to mention the role they will play in future elections, such as the midterm that will be held in the United States.

Fraudulent deepfakes

The distinction between a deep fake and a real image was not difficult until recently. It is now more difficult. There has been an increase in both audio and video tools over the past few years.

In 2021, cybercriminals proved that they could manipulate the stock price of a company and influence opinion on social media using this technology.

For example, In Hong Kong, hackers posed as the branch director of a bank and cajoled him to send them 35 million dollars by using this type of technology As told by CheckPoint a cyber security solutions company.

The world of cryptocurrencies is being attacked more often

Cybercriminals are going to try to get their hands on cryptocurrencies as soon as they become popular not longer only for early adopters.

The number of attacks on different exchanges is expected to increase by 2022, as well as the popularity of inventive methods of stealing online money wallets. Numerous cyber security firms warning alleged free NFTs that can be used to attack wallets containing certain security flaws.

Hybrid enterprise and mobility

Cybercriminals’ pressure on teleworkers has increased as companies have made remote working easier, especially with mobile attacks.

A malicious mobile app was downloaded by at least one employee of nearly half of the companies reviewed by Check Point in 2021. In an age when mobile wallets and mobile payment services are becoming more and more popular, attackers will continue to take advantage of our dependence on these terminals.

Tools for defending against attacks

Cybercriminals have leveraged penetration tools, which were created to test security defenses, to launch highly effective attacks, allowing them to increase their own efficiency.

In order to target their victims with ransomware, hackers have customized these tools. The use of this tactic to carry out extortion and data exfiltration attacks in 2022 is likely to increase as this tactic continues to catch on.

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