
DogBot Robots in the Construction Industry

Today, the media often writes about four-legged robots. It is reported what new features and capabilities they received and how close to their prototypes. But one question always remained unanswered until the end: how to endow them with intelligence, teach them to navigate independently in the world around them? How and where can you use such four-legged machines in addition to connecting these robots to the analysis of blockages as a result of various emergencies and disasters, as well as military use? The company Boston Dynamics has demonstrated how one of her robots SpotMini conducts an inspection at the construction site. And this is not the only such example

our-legged assistant

Moving around potentially unsafe areas, cleaning the job site and assessing the progress of construction are many inevitable everyday tasks at many construction sites. And all of them are connected with the problems of ensuring the safety of people working at a construction site. British developers intend to reduce the risks and delays affecting the construction efficiency by transferring these jobs to a new four-legged friend – DogBot. They believe that this robot will be able to significantly change the idea of working in the construction industry, and not only in it, in the future.

The robotic four-legged assistant DogBot uses machine learning algorithms for movement, perception of the environment, a sense of one’s own position and position in space and orientation in the surrounding world. British researchers of artificial intelligence from the company React Robotics are exploring the possibilities of using robotics in modern conditions, and their brainchild, DogBot, is one of the first such developments. Created using Autodesk Fusion 360 software, the robotic “assistant” is ready to perform tasks such as 3D scanning to monitor the construction process, manage logistics at construction sites and collect data from various sensors in real time. Unlike land vehicles on wheeled or tracked tracks, a four-legged robot can move around incredibly difficult rugged terrain, carrying a payload or equipment.

“We wanted to find ways to use artificial intelligence in the real world. The robotic equipment we are creating is the path to a future revolution in its use, ”says Charles Galambos, CTO and co-founder of React Robotics. “DogBot-like robots really“ understand ”the world and interact with it.”

For hazardous working conditions

DogBot can be programmed to perform tasks in an industrial environment with a high level of risk, which gives significant advantages for a construction site where there is a likelihood of injury to employees. To ensure the safety of people, DogBot can be used to clean work areas, as well as to collect tools. Then the next shift construction crews will be able to return to a cleaner and safer work environment.

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