Tag Archives: Cybersecurity

7 Simple Ways to Enhance Your Cybersecurity

The threat landscape of the cyber world is continuously evolving, requiring continued advancements on the security side of cyber. Fortunately, there are multiple proactive steps organizations can take to reduce their vulnerability to cyber threats, and mitigate the risk of falling victim.

#1 Keep your systems updated

There is a misconception. Software and firmware updates only include new features or user enhancements. This could not be more false. Although updates do include those things, they also patch security holes found since the last update. When developers find these holes, or are informed of them by white hat hackers, they patch the security hole and release an update to the application or system users. It is also at this time that the security holes patches are released to the public – meaning, hackers don’t have to dig too deep to learn about vulnerabilities within the system.

If these updates are not deployed in a timely fashion, your network becomes a sitting duck.

#2 Remove unused programs

Unused programs are often found on devices. This may be deemed as bloatware, or it could just be a program or app that you once downloaded, used, and no longer have use for. If you are no longer using a program or application, delete it from the device. By doing so, you’ve completely eliminated the unnecessary risk of having a security hole where hackers can exploit your device, network, and data.

#3 Use a VPN while on public networks

We all know public networks are far from secure. However, the amount of data transferred on public networks is astounding. The best way to keep your data safe while using public WiFi networks is to use a virtual private network (VPN). This masks your location, and will encrypt data while in transit; meaning, if you send an email or pay a bill online, the data sent is completely scrambled making it completely unusable for any malicious party trying to intercept it.

#4 Backup your data

One of the best ways to improve cybersecurity and ensure data is secure from the growing cyber threats is to keep timely backups. For some, this may mean backing up data using an external harddrive; however, doing so may create additional issues. External harddrives must be disconnected from the network after each backup process. If not, they become vulnerable to cyber threats attacking the network as well, which ultimately defeats the purpose of backing up the data. Additionally, these external harddrives must be kept in a secure location, which creates an access control process that must be in place.

Alternatively, some may opt for cloud-based solutions for their backup needs. This reduces the risk of backups being on-site, as well as the need to remove them from the network after the process is complete. Regardless of which option is chosen, always spot check the backup data to ensure it is complete and updated as expected. There is not much worse than believing the process is occurring to find out after the fact, that it was not.

#5 Change passwords

Passwords are also a weak link in the cybersecurity chain. They are used everywhere, from internet of things (IoT) devices to access points. Passwords are required for personal and professional use, and far too often those lines get blurred. Passwords become repurposed for the simple fact that they are needed for everything, and it’s easier to remember one password than the 148 that you really would need if you kept each unique. Using the same password for multiple programs, devices, and applications is a problem. Couple that with using the same password for personal and professional use, and there is a far bigger issue. Now, let’s add another layer. When was the last time a password was changed or updated?

Why does this matter, you may ask? Breaches. Cyber attackers may not have hit your network yet, but they likely have your email address and possibly password too, after breaching a third-party you trusted with your data.

If you do not change or update your password at least once a quarter, it is just a matter of time before the information hackers obtained through the Experian, Yahoo, or any other breach, is used against you.

#6 Implement zero-trust

You may trust certain applications to run, but verifying they are secure before allowing them to run on your devices is imperative. This is the concept of zero-trust. Verifying software, programs, and devices are secure before granting them access to run greatly reduces the risk of cyber threats.

The reality is, by injecting a single line of malicious code into a legitimate program, a cyber attacker can wreak havoc on a network. Testing programs and adding them to an allowlist, will only permit tested and proven secure programs and devices to run. If changes are made to the program in any way, like malicious coding, the program is automatically flagged and retested before allowing it to run again.

#7 Employee training

According to Verizon, 82% of data breaches are a result of human error. Training staff to spot red flags of phishing emails, business email compromise (BEC) attacks, and what to do if they find malware like ransomware or a virus on their device is important. Too often, employees will try to hide the issue, when they should be speaking up to the IT department immediately to report an issue. By knowing the red flags, and being properly trained, the risk of employees making mistakes that lead to a successful cyber attack are greatly reduced.

As mentioned earlier, there are several steps one may take that do not require major financial investment, or concepts like recreating the wheel. By taking proactive measures like keeping systems updated, backing up their data, and training their staff, cyber risks can be mitigated.

The Impact of Cybersecurity on the Development & Implementation of Internet of Things (IoT)

Today, new innovative technology is coming at full speed than ever before. The internet of Things (IoT) market was worth around $157 billion back in 2016 and it’s estimated to rise to a whopping $480 billion by 2021. Nearly every device that we see and use around is connected to the internet and almost interlinked to other nearby devices. From home appliances to DNA analysis devices, IoT is constantly being utilized to develop ‘smart’ devices which are well-connected. Although IoT is all about giving every single ‘thing’ a unique ID, it still raises security concerns for its users at the same time.

When properties like real-time communication, remote access, and data sharing are misused, they might cause some serious issues. Therefore, by disregarding the requirement for cybersecurity with IoT, you are putting your data and physical security at risk.

Benefits of Managing Cybersecurity

  • Cybersecurity protects data and networks from unauthorized access. It keeps the device safe from outsiders.
  • More enhanced business continuity management and information security.
  • More quicker recovery times in the result of a breach.
  • Advanced stakeholder confidence in your data security arrangements.
  • It also enhances company credentials with the accurate security controls in place.

How does Cybersecurity Affect the Development and Implementation of IoT?

  1. Insecure Web Interface– If proper measures and actions are not followed, factors like SQL injection, phishing, plain text credentials that are sent, and other old-school or advanced methods can be used by hackers to gain control of your IoT devices. To resolve this, these are the steps that you can follow-
  2. A strong password or any other efficient locking mechanism.
  3. Effective encryption algorithms.
  4. Guarantee that the web interface has been tested for XSS, SQL, and CSRF vulnerabilities.
  5. Evade transferring credentials in plain text.
  6. Insecure Network Services– It’s very easy for attackers to use insecure network services to attack users. These attacks may come either from internal or external network users. Especially enterprises and businesses should be aware of this. It can be solved by
  7. Addressing employees’ awareness of internet threats.
  8. A solid networking mechanism is required for refining internet traffic from VPNs and intranets.
  9. Make sure that all required ports are neither exposed nor available to outsiders.
  10. Insufficient Authentication or Authorization– Inadequate authorization can result in losing data, lacking accountability, and also denying service attacks. Authorizing a hierarchy of controls is compulsory. This can be fixed by
  11. Implementing a 2-factor authentication.
  12. The communication in each network needs to be encrypted and authenticated.
  13. Lack of Transport Encryption– Inadequate transport layer security is due to the fixed applications, which don’t take any useful measure in the network traffic.
  14. Utilization of more reliable encryption standards.
  15. Better communication constraints put in place.
  16. Managing a check on applications, being accessed through the IoT device.
  17. Privacy Concerns– Privacy is one of the most important security concerns. This cannot be put at risk while installing IoT devices and keeping them interlinked. Bad algorithms and hackers can make the worse happen for your devices. This can be solved by
  18. All devices must install a varied operating system (OS).
  19. The devices must have the capability to protect themselves from remote code execution attacks and intrusion.
  20. Vulnerable Cloud and Mobile Interface– Mobile services and cloud can efficiently bring buyers from many companies. But these are not as safe as we think. Advancing cloud technology is becoming powerful every day, but it’s not that ‘precise’ yet, because there are hazards that are obtained by IoT also. This can be solved by-
  21. Secure encryption, vulnerability detection, and authentications are needed.
  22. There should be proper testing on mobile interfaces, cloud, or web that don’t contain any SQL injection, XSS or CSRF vulnerabilities.


As the days go by, cybersecurity implementations are not as trailblazing for IoT devices as they should be. Many IoT devices as well as IoT services are on the rise. So, it is rather important for every smart business or home to keep the threats of IoT in mind, well, alongside with all the benefits they provide. In this challenging environment, IoT devices continue to grow and new, excellent cybersecurity’s are being implemented. Therefore, it is safe to say that good cybersecurity should be used by IoT users.

Author Bio

Feril Mohammed Hazem is an industry expert and a professional writer working at ThinkPalm Technologies. He has a keen interest in AI. He is fascinated by futuristic technology and its ways. Off the screen, he is a movie buff, likes playing basketball and listening to music.

Cyber Security Basics You Need To Be Aware

    In today’s digital age, it is crucial for individuals to have a solid grasp of the fundamentals of cyber security. With the increasing reliance on technology and the ever-present threat of cyber attacks, being aware of the basics is essential to protect yourself and your sensitive information. Cyber security encompasses a wide range of practices and measures designed to safeguard computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, theft, and damage.

    Essential Concepts for a Secure Digital Environment

    To establish a secure digital environment, it is important to be aware of key concepts in cyber security. One such concept is the importance of strong passwords. Using unique, complex passwords for each online account can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Additionally, regularly updating software and operating systems is crucial, as it ensures that any vulnerabilities are patched and protected against potential threats.

    Another vital aspect of cyber security is being cautious of phishing attempts. Cyber criminals often use deceptive emails or messages to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or downloading malicious software. Being able to identify and avoid these phishing attempts is essential to maintaining a secure online presence.

    The Role of Education and Awareness in Cyber Security

    Education and awareness play a pivotal role in cyber security. Staying informed about the latest threats, trends, and best practices is essential to protect yourself and your digital assets. Regularly educating yourself on emerging cyber threats and understanding how to mitigate them can help you stay one step ahead of potential attackers.

    Furthermore, promoting a culture of cyber security within organizations and communities is crucial. By fostering an environment where individuals are encouraged to report suspicious activities and share knowledge, we can collectively strengthen our defenses against cyber threats. Ultimately, being aware of the basics of cyber security empowers individuals to take proactive measures to protect themselves and contribute to a safer digital world.

    Clicking everywhere without examining the website’s validity or downloading an attachment without even knowing that the sender of this email may cause malicious applications to enter your device. It could be an infected URL that results in the ransomware setup that blocks some data usage if you don’t pay money to your user.

    In addition, it’s suggested to put in browser plug-ins that block the automatic downloading of almost any script or even Java. In contrast, the information of this flash plug can prohibit malicious code.

    Watching sharing, you ought not to disclose your password and also private information to anybody. Additionally, when utilizing multi-factor authentication blending several kinds of credentials, fingerprint, face, SMS-based authentication in your cell phone using onetime code, then take care not to offer this SMS code to anybody.
    By way of instance, some attackers request that you give this code to connect you at a whats app group, do not provide them with.

    2.Avoid placing a Simple to locate the password

    Attackers utilize dictionary-based applications to examine tens of thousands of potential and widely used passwords. Don’t use your name, last name, date of arrival, or some other person being a password; hackers may run abrupt investigations into your own life.

    The way to develop a password that is possible for one to consider and impossible for hackers to detect? It’d be better for those who made an intricate password, but in a manner, you can remember it. By way of instance, choose the very first few letters of several quotes; that makes them even a brand new non-dictionary word. Then change it using some symbols and numbers to maximize its power. The password has to be long enough.

    3.Be Conscious of fraudulent social technology Methods

    Social technology is often utilized in politics and marketing. However, in the cyber realm, it’s sometimes utilized to cheat and hack. By obtaining their confidence to let them have several credentials, they deceive you on their data. It’s more accessible along with your smartphone.

    The purpose of social technology isn’t predicated on technical vulnerabilities, however on user or human behaviour. Deception through societal technology existed before computers, but smartphones and computers create them more accessible. However, we ought to perhaps not be reluctant to utilize digital technology when we comprehend it.

    To steer clear of social technology, know about some hidden biases. By way of instance, you experience a contact claim, you have to respond desperately within 2-4 hours to acquire your Partner, and you need to provide your password or send them any cash or your password. Another example, once they’re exploiting esteem for an authority such as law enforcement or their manager to provide them with their password. In all circumstances, don’t supply the password to anybody.

    4.Consistently install your applications out of a valid application store.

    Be sure you download your applications and applications from the initial internet sites using the pc; Prevent cracked or modified ones. After you double click the setup file (EXE), an email onto your Windows screen will inform you of the name of this software writer.

    If the material color is blue and the writer’s name is recorded, that is alright. However, if the writer’s name is unknown and the message color is yellowish, you should steer clear of installing this anonymous writer program; potentially, malware may damage your data.
    To the smartphone, always be sure that you put in just from valid stores that are safe, like Google Play, Samsung Store, AppStore. And avert allowing the setup of applications in sources that are third-party.

    5.Learn about secure usage of wi-fi

    Individuals love using free wi-fi. When utilizing it, keep in mind it is a prosperous atmosphere for hackers to steal your private info or even obtain access to a smartphone or notebook pc. You may use it to see a few videos or browse the net generally, but stay clear of inputting log-in requirements in someone of your account.
    In certain other complex circumstances, you may be astonished your smartphone remains attached to a property wi-fi router after moving to a spot away from home.

    Be very careful; maybe it has still another bogus wi-fi system towards one which emulates precisely the same name and password because of your dwelling wi-fi system. You would intend to break up your smartphone. Many may believe they are still attached to the same home wi-fi router somehow, but that’s impossible for long spaces.