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Is Cloud Computing The Future Of Data Storage?

Learn What The Professionals Have To Say About Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing has become one of the most important parts of every business sector. It has given rise to a whole new world of platforms, applications, jobs, and services. There is no doubt in stating that the future lies in the hands of cloud computing. It is certainly going to develop hybrid solutions in the field of Information technology.

It has been seen that cloud facility comes with the attribute enhanced scalability and flexibility. Not only this, but it also provides complete control over your data without any lapse with the security facility. But, above that, cloud computing is more about making the entire process engaging and organized. There is no better way to process data than cloud computing.

But does it have all that it takes to be the future of data storage? We are here to dig in and check how it can prove to be one of the game-changers in the coming time.

Assessing The Future of Cloud Computing

When it comes to the cloud, it comes with several attributes, and this makes the future of this sector very bright. If you think what the best trends to come in this sector are, then take a look at the below-mentioned pointers:

#Better Storage Capacity

We all know how data is being generated in high volume these days. It can be very difficult for one to store the same and that too better security. Companies around the world are looking for storage where they can get their data stored and that too without any kind of issues in terms of security.

This is why businesses have adopted the policy of cloud computing with an open heart. It has been forecasted that cloud service providers are going to bring in several data centres in the future and that too very competing price. As the competition is going to increase among the service providers, it is certainly going to benefit the businesses around with enhanced storage capacity at very reasonable rates,

#Improved Internet Performance

All thanks to IoT technology, then Internet quality is going to bet better with time. The combination of cloud computing and IoT can help businesses to get their data stored in the cloud and deliver exquisite performance with detailed analysis.

You can be certain about excellent quality service that includes excellent loading speed and application. With time, the Internet speed is going to better and this is going to improve the process of data transition. It is going to be quick and effective.

#Priority Will Be Modular Software

With time, complexity in the domain of individual program size is getting higher constantly. This means that cloud technology needs better system capability that covers all the angles. In the future, the applications are going to store in different places but not in the cloud.

They are going to use different modules of the servers present on various cloud services. This can not only reduce the pricing of the software, as it is very economical when it comes to getting the components placed on storage.

#Inclusion of IoT

When it comes to IoT, it is acknowledged as one of the prominent technology as it is constantly growing in the domain of cloud computing and real data analytics.

The communication from one machine to another and data transfer and procedure occurring can be done with ease, all with the assistance of cloud computing technology.

#Market Size:

It has been seen that the market of cloud computing is growing significantly at the rate of 22.8 percent. It has been forecasted that the market size is going to get better with every passing day. Maximum CRM software is going to be cloud-based in the coming time, and the same goes for all the applications as well.

#Better Cloud Services

Take a look at the services provided by cloud computing solutions:

  • Software as a Service
  • Infrastructure as a Service
  • Platform as a service

These services are good enough to achieve all the desired objectives. According to much research, according to Cloud Security Engineers cloud computing is going to be one of the prominent technologies in the coming time in the domain of Software as a Service.

Not only this, but the sector of infrastructure as a service and platform as a service is also going to get better as most of the organizations are showing big interest in the same. This technology is a lot more user-friendly and compatible with all kinds of organizations.


Today we all know that data security provided by the cloud storage solution is better than any other solution. But, even their security is not fully approved. The small vendors who are providing cloud services might not be able to serve the quality of that top standards. In future, cloud computing security is going to get better and ensure that your data is protected even more additional layer of security. The cloud service providers are already assessing the gaps to remain ahead of the cyber experts.


With the technology of cloud computing going to get better, the hardware used is going to get down as most of the work can be done with the assistance of virtualization and cloud computing solutions. This can help you save a lot as the hardware used is certainly going to get low, so there is not going to be any kind of expense related to maintenance or purchase of something new as well.

With time, the data is going to be stored in the cloud, and it is going to be assessed with the assistance of different technologies that won’t require any kind of human assistance.

#Modular Software

It has been seen that organizations are using software that cannot be modified. So, in the future, cloud computing is going to invest in the domain of modified software that is going to assist with better facilities and security. The respective software is going to become a lot more flexible and user-friendly in the coming time.

Another major advantage of the respective software is that overall charges are going to get down and also save you a lot of time.

Last Words

Businesses around the world are looking for innovative solutions that can help their company grow and achieve their business objectives. With the assistance of cloud computing, all these boxes can be ticked. It is one of the most powerful and extensive tools to invest in for the future as it can help an organization with several benefits. So, it is an excellent opportunity for businesses to consider moving in the right direction that is very much cost-effective. It benefits not only the businesses but also the users as well.

Author Bio

Neha Singh is the co-founder of securium solutions which is one of the fastest-growing cybersecurity services and education providing companies in India. She has helped thousands of companies in protecting their businesses from cyber threats and has been adamant about raising the need for cybersecurity in these modern times. When she is not actively taking part in seminars and meetings she can be found reading peacefully in the mountains.

How to protect yourself from online attacks

The growth of the digital economy is driving private and public organizations to look for new solutions and ways to protect online assets. Along with the development of the cyber industry, the interest of digital fraudsters in company data is also growing, attackers are using more and more diverse attack methods, for example, phishing, DDoS attacks, interception of remote sessions.

Ensuring your safety from online attacks is of utmost importance in today’s digital age. To shield yourself from potential threats, it is crucial to adopt a proactive approach and implement effective security measures. Firstly, always keep your devices, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets, up to date with the latest software and security patches. Regularly installing updates helps to fix vulnerabilities that hackers may exploit.

Another vital step in safeguarding yourself is to create strong and unique passwords for all your online accounts. Avoid using easily guessable passwords like your name or birthdate. Instead, opt for a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Additionally, it is advisable to enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a verification code in addition to your password.

Be cautious when clicking on links or downloading files from unknown sources. Cybercriminals often use phishing emails or malicious websites to trick unsuspecting users into revealing sensitive information or infecting their devices with malware. Always verify the legitimacy of the sender or website before taking any action. Furthermore, it is wise to use reputable antivirus software and regularly scan your devices for any potential threats. By following these precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to online attacks and protect your personal information.

But the most insidious attacks today are zero day attacks: they are difficult to detect even for the most technologically savvy businesses, and correcting the consequences can take a lot of time and resources. For example Due to the vulnerability ( libraries of the Java programming language) in Log4J , an attacker can remotely execute any code on the target computer. This allows you to steal data, install malware, or take control of your device. All this means that cyber defense measures must constantly evolve.

1. Be careful while giving any authentication :

User credentials are another door to company information for attackers. Use multi-factor authentication when logging into your account, restrict access rights for employees, create complex passwords without being tied to real names or company names. Update your passwords at least three times a year. So, even if the company’s credentials are stolen, cyber fraudsters will not be able to enter its network.

2.Network and data security has to be increased:

Constantly improve the company’s network security tools and methods: install and constantly update antiviruses, keep applications and programs settings up to date, increasing system fault tolerance. Backup is an important point. So companies can quickly recover critical information even in the event of an attack. It is important to apply the principle of security Zero Trust, when every time you log in, any user and device must authenticate the data.

3.EDR platform :

Endpoint Detection and Response is a new platform for combating new types of attacks, ransomware and the consequences of inattentive end-user activity. It not only protects companies from fraudsters, but also quickly identifies new threats of any complexity. To do this, the EDR platform uses sensors installed at endpoints that monitor activity in the system and help prevent cyber attacks even before they damage the organization.

4.Threat Intelligence:

Analyze any attacks of your working company and other companies, already happened or potential. This principle helps to prevent attacks before they occur, or to make life as difficult as possible for cybercriminals. Monitor to identify vulnerabilities, properly configure systems, and have appropriate patches. Carefully evaluate which systems to place on the external network.

5. Have plan to combat online attacks:

You must have a plan of action. This applies to both the business continuity plan itself and the cyber crisis plan. Write in it how the responsible structural units should act in each situation. The preparation of such a plan contributes to the revision of IT systems, the discovery of vulnerabilities and the improvement of business processes. Well, from time to time, simulate cyber attacks and test the system to check the effectiveness of protection measures and the vigilance of employees.

The world is changing, traditional means of cyber defense are no longer enough. It is necessary to keep an eye on what is happening in the deep web. That is, it is necessary to proactively monitor potential threats not only in the visible Internet, but also in the invisible one, to study the logic and methods of potential attacks.