Category Archives: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that is engaged in the development of intelligent computer systems

How iPhone Implements AI in its Devices?

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are taking over the world in a storm and many companies are investing heavily in it. Companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, and others are including AI in their devices be it laptops, mobile phones, or other. This integration helps companies to understand their users’ needs and provide them with an easy and interactive experience of interacting with their devices.

An IP address is a unique numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network. It serves as an identifier for devices, allowing them to communicate with each other over the internet. Think of it as a digital address that helps data packets find their way from one device to another.

How iPhone Implements AI

Over the years, AI has matured a lot, and so has its use case. Today it is used in almost every industry in some way or another. This provides companies with the ability to provide customers with the right information and help them serve their needs.

Let’s see how Apple is using AI in its devices and providing its customers with world-class experience:

Facial recognition:

Within Photos, facial recognition places a crucial role. It can create memories based on a person or group of people in correlation with a group of dates or a single date at specific intervals. So, AI is used to simple surface a notification on your phone screen to tell you that the phone has created a special birthday video for your child, year after year.

Health Monitoring:

There is a lot that you can monitor via your iPhone with the help of AI. Your phone provides you with features like period tracking, mindfulness, breathing, walking steadiness, running, sleep tracking, and more. These features help you to lead a better lifestyle and have a healthy body.

For example: if you enable the period tracking feature, initially it will ask you to log your period date along with symptoms you are going through. Further, on the basis of this data, it will provide you with a notification as to when your next period is going to come.

What all this monitoring does is, over time, it can give you a bigger picture of your health, as well as alert you to oncoming abnormalities with predictive analysis.

Native Sleep Tracking:

This feature is available in Apple Watch which provides its users with a holistic approach to sleep. It tracks micro-movements using an accelerometer to capture when you sleep and how much sleep you get at night. This provides you with a visual representation of the time you are awake and sleep, and also view your sleep patterns weekly.

The same feature is also available in the iPhone; it too accurately helps you to measure your sleep. Here’s how it works: sleep tracking feature, at your defined time it will turn on Wind down, i.e turning on your alarm and blurring out your notifications. All the notifications will hide until your wake up time and provide you with enough time to prepare for bed. Moreover, it will even track your sleep and provide you with data as to how many hours you sleep every day, which you can use further to define your night routine.

This monitoring ensures that your alarm wakes you gently when you are out of your deep sleep stage, instead of harshly disturbing your rest. This leads to better waking upstate, which positively affects your mood and how your day goes.

App Library Suggestions:

The App library layout in iOS is useful to find a folder that uses on-device intelligence and displays suggestions of applications. This helps small AI-powered features and is useful when you use certain applications more often.

Translate App:

The Translate app makes it easy to translate words and phrases in 11 languages on your iPhone. You can get definitions for translated words, have conversations in different languages, save translations for quick access, download language for offline use, detect language spoken, have conversations in real-time, etc. All thanks to the integration of AI in the iPhone and allowing users to use it in the best possible way.

Sound Recognition:

The sound recognition feature can be extremely useful for people who have hearing disabilities. You can set your iPhone to listen to different sounds like a crying baby, barking dog, siren, doorbell, smoke detector alarm, etc. Your iPhone can detect them accurately and the user can see an alert on their phone even when they can’t hear one. This can enable them to take their own agency.


Apple is the leader in the tech industry when it comes to innovation, integrating and implementing the latest technology in their devices. Today more than ever, there are millions of iPhone users who are making the best use of it and relying on the power of AI to get things done. Be it monitoring their health, translating from one language to another, sleep tracking, Siri shortcuts, etc.

If you are planning to build an iOS app that serves your business operations and provides your users with the best experience. Hire dedicated iOS app developers from Biztech, as you plan to start on this journey of iOS app development. We have experienced developers who can help you at each stage of your app development and provide you with a complete understanding of your project.


Read to know how Apple is using AI in their devices and how that makes for features that improve one’s quality of life.



Author Bio:

Maulik Shah is the CEO of BiztechCS, an ios app developer from India. Maulik likes to explore beyond his comfort zone. When it comes to writing for the blog, his contribution is priceless. No one else on the team can bring the deep industry knowledge to articles that he has. However, his door is always open and he is generous with sharing that knowledge.

Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI Bots in Software Testing

The world of software development and deployment has evolved drastically over the last few years with the advancements in technology and modern-day languages. Especially since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the pace of software development has increased as more businesses focus on software solutions to meet customer demands, improve employee efficiency and enhance business productivity.

This transformation of software development has made it imperative for software testing to adhere to the continuous integration, continuous testing, and continuous delivery demands set by software developers. Therefore, several enterprises have abandoned the existing traditional software testing approach and have started to implement a more innovative automation testing methodology. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one such revolutionary technology that has altered the testing process and helped testers meet the crucial needs of software development.

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Has Enhanced Software Testing

As mentioned in the beginning, the COVID-19 pandemic has widely accelerated the demand for software applications as more businesses and individuals have started adopting digital solutions. From contactless payments to e-commerce stores and remote employee management solutions, digital transformation has been embraced this year like never before. Since more businesses have witnessed the significant impact of digitization, the acceptance of digital solutions will only increase more even in the post-pandemic era.

Software developers that leveraged AI and ML across their product development life cycle have witnessed more faster and continuous releases in high-quality applications. AI helped enterprises overcome the challenge of resource unavailability and remote working because, with automation, the need for human or manual intervention decreased significantly.

Subsequently, smart AI-driven software testing improved ROI, decreased time to market, optimized testing costs, and provided more reliable solutions. The fact that AI test algorithms could simulate human intelligence and help auto-generate test case scenarios, enabled software development companies with a much better alternative to manual testing. It has been exceptionally integrated into various domains of product engineering, as algorithms were now being developed using robotic process automation (RPA), machine learning (ML), computer vision, cognitive intelligence, Natural language processing (NLP), etc. And interestingly, all these are a part of artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

The Need for AI Bot In Software Testing?

For large enterprises that deploy several software solutions a month, efficient testing and quality analysis could be a bottleneck that reduces the effectiveness of software delivery. With traditional software testing, companies face a significant lack of automation capability, inefficient test tools, test case backlogs, appropriate resource constraints, and the inability to put best practices into action consistently are some of the primary reasons. AI-based bots sought to solve this fundamental problem faced by enterprises with crawlable, interactive, and efficient bots that make testing faster and simpler. Nowadays, software solutions are increasingly complex and tend to implement innovative features and even multiple languages in coding, such as microservice applications.

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) bot integrations can speed up time to market and run complete defect analysis all throughout the application in every module. It can also act as an AI Chatbot that is used to mimic human conversation or chat with software developers, testers, and clients through AI. These AI’s function like humans to ensure that processes are precisely streamlined to save time and expense.

Artificial Intelligence and bots can go beyond customer expectations and can take reliable software testing to a completely innovative level. Some of the other functionalities of AI bots are mentioned below.

7 Functionalities of AI Bots

1.    Migration Bot

Sometimes during the test automation process, QA teams will have to migrate their source framework assets to target framework assets. This can be a time-consuming process and would require manual intervention. But with the implementation of AI bots, this process can be automated as bots can identify target framework assets and transfer all the source assets precisely.

2.    Test Optimization Bot

The test optimization AI bot can de-duplicate, componentize and optimize the comprehensive test quality using artificial intelligence and machine learning technology.

3.    Test Execution Environment Bot

These AI bots can automatically set up and configure continuous integration and test execution environments without the need for any human intervention.

4.    Framework Setup Bot

Testers need to set up appropriate frameworks to conduct tests of software solutions. With AI bots, they will no longer have to do it manually as the AI bots can identify appropriate project environments and creating a necessary template out of the box.

5.    Results Analyzer Prediction & Prescription

With these AI bots, testers can automatically analyse results, automate error bucketing, test performance analysis, and remediation.

6.    Predictive QA Bot

The Predictive QA Bot, as the name indicates can predict future defects in a software application and recommend appropriate action based on historical data.

7.    Validation Bots

These bots can analyse and validating network protocols, security requirements, or certifications to ensure that the application has met all coding standards, test execution status, and data separation rules.


AI-based bots and auto-generated test scripts have delivered customer satisfaction by empowering flawless applications that are 100% error-free and efficient. It has also allowed the agile and DevOps teams to work together in the software development life cycle (SDLC), thus ensuring that all errors are identified and corrected accurately from the beginning of the project itself. AI bots can be seamlessly integrated into test automation services and can interact with the software just as the developer would need it. These bots are the future of testing services and can ensure that client requirements are delivered, and codes are well optimized.

Author Bio:

Ricky Philip is an industry expert and a professional writer working at ThinkPalm Technologies. He works with a focus on understanding the implications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, SDN/NFV, cloud analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT) services. He is also a contributor to several prominent online publishing platforms such as DZone, HubSpot and Hackernoon.

8 Areas Where Artificial Intelligence Is Going To Impact Our Lives In Future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a highly significant technological advancement that has affected every industry and human being. The major tech trend, AI, frequently appears in the most demanded areas of expertise, drastically impacting our lives and changing our future.

AI has the scope to change the future for the better. It has brought in the emergence of big data, the internet of things, robotics and the integration of cloud computing for the smooth running of organisations. AI is already present in almost all industries in our smart devices, cars, applications and more.

The significant impact of artificial intelligence in our lives and the fictional portrayal in movies has created a false fear that AI will make human beings outdated in the workforce. On the contrary, having human tasks automated only means more room for job opportunities in artificial intelligence.

The Impact of AI in the Future

 AI has impacted our lives by all means, starting from mobile phone search queries to how we shop. The drastic involvement of AI in many business sectors has grown over 270% over the last few years. The tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple spend billions of dollars to create AI-generated products and services.

A recent Work Of The Future study concludes that AI will enable new industries to emerge rather than mass unemployment. It will create new job roles more than those lost to tech development. The foreseeable future promises that the involvement of AI will not replace people, instead build the workforce skills and knowledge to adapt to the changing future.

Areas of Application of Artificial Intelligence

Some of the prominent sectors where artificial intelligence has thrived and is going to impact our lives drastically in the future include:

  1. Transportation
  2. Education
  3. Healthcare
  4. Job search
  5. Cybersecurity
  6. E-commerce
  7. Agriculture
  8. House Service

1. Transportation

We are in an era where we see AI impacting the world of transportation. Even though the technology is yet to be perfected within a decade, automated cars and trains ferry us from one place to another.

AI has also impacted productivity in the automobile sector. The adoption of AI within the workplace has boosted the manufacturing pace up to 54%. The growing market for driverless vehicles is thriving with the AI-powered Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS). It includes automated braking, lane departure warning, driver drowsiness detection, and other safety features.

2. Education

AI in the education field ensures that teachers are indispensable and the AI features are present only to improve the quality of education. However, artificial intelligence will never replace teachers; instead, it focuses on adaptive learning and proctoring.

Artificial intelligence assisting education fills the gap of learning. It helps to monitor the level of knowledge and the grasping power of students. In this way, AI can support the teacher in drafting a teaching method that supports all levels of students.

Intelligent tutors and other AI technologies will brighten the future of education. It will help widen the access to education with virtual assistance. Proctoring will help human lecturers during the passing of control and examination tests.

3. Healthcare

AI has proven its benefits in automating medical diagnostics by mining patients’ medical records. As a result, the mass amount of data in the medical field are utilised in the diagnostic contexts that efficient doctors guide.

AI also has helped to speed up drug discovery and monitor patients through virtual nursing assistants. Technologies such as IBM Watson process the patients’ data and assist the physicians’ in making better decisions about their treatment.

4. Job search

The introduction of artificial intelligence to do menial jobs that are repetitive and time-consuming has increased productivity and decreased the chance of human error. In addition, automating burdensome human tasks has enhanced precision and efficiency.

In addition, AI has significantly impacted the job search and filtration of job applicants in most companies. About 75% of resumes are rejected with an AI-generated Automated Applicant Tracking System (ATS); only then does the remaining job applicant profiles reach a human being. 

Like resume scanning done by AI-powered programs, resumes can be optimised according to the job roles and requirements using certain types of AI. Jobscan and Jobseer are some examples that will help you beat the ATS by tweaking your resume to the perfect job role.

5. Cybersecurity

The increased cyber-attacks has forced business leaders to incorporate artificial intelligence into cybersecurity. But, unfortunately, cybercriminals have taken advantage of the work from the home feature as they use vulnerable Wi-Fi networks.

Hence, AI and machine learning are used by firms to predict potential threats in cybersecurity. The threat intelligence will recognise patterns from past experiences, helping companies reduce incident response time.

6. E-commerce

Today’s almost everyone is affiliated with the e-commerce industry one way or the other. Artificial intelligence is known to play a crucial role in each sector of the industry. It is utilised to enhance the user experience to change the marketing distribution drastically.

AI is expected to carry the e-commerce industry into the next level by optimising chatbots, personalised shopping experience, image-based target advertising and inventory automation.

7. Agriculture

Technological advancements have spread across the agricultural field under the intensive growth of the global AI market. Precision agriculture is fulfilled with the help of AI, which improves the harvest quality and accuracy.

Artificial intelligence in agriculture is segregated with the features of agriculture robots, crop and soil monitoring, disease diagnosis, intelligent weed detection and spraying, crop yield prediction and price forecasts.

Farmers leveraged the usage of agriculture robotics through farm harvesting, which has tackled the labour challenge. The infusion of artificial intelligence into these machines helps to identify the harvestable produce. Some of the developments that inspired the introduction of robotics into agriculture include robots for harvesting, weed killing AI, and crewless aerial vehicles. 

8. House Service

The constant upgrades of AI have bought in tremendous changes in how we live our life. With AI robots delivering packages, cleaning houses and offices, humans will continue to move onto a hassle-free living state.

The inclusion of cloud technology with AI will connect shared data, which accelerates the development of perpetual technology. Furthermore, AI robots are said to advance to where they interact with human beings through comprehensive speech and emotion.

To Sum Up

Artificial intelligence has taken a turn through its development and has impacted our lives drastically. When implemented responsibility, AI is there to benefit society. As the years go by, we are becoming more and more interlinked with robots and AI features.

Even if it surpasses human abilities and work precision, it has drastically improved the quality of our lives.

Authors Bio :

Sujith Kumar is a professional IT Faculty having more than 18 years of experience in Dubai. He schedules classes into facilities and provides software instructions.  He spends most of his free time learning new software skills and also interested in driving and reading. He is now working as a trainer in Edoxi Training Institute.


Artificial intelligence technologies facilitate the safe re-opening of schools by surveilling the transmission of COVID-19. AI systems, machine learning and automation play an important role in the detection, school-level screening and monitoring of COVID 19 significantly reducing the burden of school staff, while predicting potential COVID-19 outbreaks on a scalable level. While the world continues to grapple with the unprecedented challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, AI systems have become crucial in mitigating the spread of such communicable illnesses and ensuring control. How does it do it? By incorporating machine learning algorithms to spot patterns in large-scale data sets.

The application of AI Technology in managing COVID-19 at schools can be categorized into three:

  1. COVID-19 Surveillance
  2. Child Recovery
  3. School Response

AI in COVID-19 Surveillance at Schools

School districts began using AI-powered covid-19 trackers at schools to counter the COVID-19 epidemic. Prior to the epidemic, schools relied on AI-enabled systems to increase campus security, track visitors, uncover weapons or fight truancy. With the pandemic, schools have been evaluating how they can leverage this technology to keep schools safe and ensure children’s continued learning.

With AI-enabled COVID-19 tracking, schools can conduct remote monitoring, thermal imaging, contact tracing and much more – ensuring safety in the school environment.

Remote Monitoring

AI-based software can locate students on school campuses based on their appearance, gender, clothing, and facial features. The software allows school administrators to find students and determine where they may have been on campus. It analyses physical characteristics such as age, gender, hair color, and hair type. The software analyzes the characteristics and searches for matches in other video footage. The software cannot identify the person but can show where they may have been while in the school.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging cameras are a powerful tool in school safety management when it comes to detecting body temperatures. For example, using heat-detecting systems makes it possible to see if a student, faculty member, or visitor to the school is exhibiting signs of illness.

Contact Tracing

An AI (artificial intelligence)-based location positioning system that was being piloted in schools for emergencies is now a viable option for businesses, schools and other entities for contact tracing and emergency communication. The technology works via a mesh network set up in a building or classrooms, and staffs or students can be tracked by fobs, such as the badges that staffs and students often have now. The students or staffs enter the geo-fencing zone, and both direct and indirect tracing can be done if an outbreak of coronavirus needs to be tracked.

How AI can help in child’s recovery after COVID-19

Students will require tailored, ongoing support to help them adjust and catch up after the pandemic. AI-enabled offerings can support schools in becoming prepared to extend the support required to overcome the immense challenges ahead.

Calculating Risk in Exposed Child

Most children who are exposed to COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. Some children may develop MIS-C; a severe, sometimes fatal, inflammation of the tissues and organs, including the brain, heart, lungs, and kidneys. The NICHD-led project, Predicting Viral-Associated Inflammatory Disease Severity in Children with Laboratory Diagnostics and Artificial Intelligence (PreVAIL kIds), is part of NIH’s Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) initiative. The RADx initiative aims to accelerate innovation in the commercialization, development, and implementation of the COVID-19 test. This initiative will complement the many efforts of NIH to combat COVID-19 further and to understand it using innovative tools. The organization recently established the Medical Imaging and Data Resource Center (MIDRC). It will make use of artificial intelligence and medical imagery to improve COVID-19 treatment and detection.

Tracking Contagion in Real-Time

Many organizations use real-time tracking successfully today because of the visibility into an asset’s precise, real-time location. For example, this AI-backed technology can be used by schools to track visitors, students and staff, and be used to track valued assets like smart boards, TVs, projectors, laptops, and more.

Managing Quarantined Child

Many students will most likely spend a part of their learning time in quarantine, taking courses or learning new skills. Being in this new situation, students may have a lot of questions, which could overwhelm institutions with inquiries. In this context, using an AI-enabled system has two main advantages. First, they can answer your questions instantly and automatically. Second, if your question is too complicated to be answered online, you can quickly transfer the conversation to a human agent who can access the platform via the cloud. This will allow administrative staff and teachers to work remotely and adhere to the quarantine.

School Response Management Using AI

Modernized K-12 education is essential to prepare students for an increasingly automated future. This is especially true as students return to school in the coming year. COVID-19 allows students to learn online, in person and in pods made up of children whose parents have the means to hire teachers.

Health Planning and Preparation

COVID19 was a catalyst for many schools to begin the discussion about a digital strategy. Some schools were already on the right track, and others had to get there quickly. Now, as schools increasingly adopt AI-powered solutions, they will have better data on student health statuses. This will enable them to foresee a possible health-related emergency and take necessary steps to prevent it. In the case of COVID 19, continuous tracking and monitoring of students will help educators and school health officials take precautionary measures in case of an outbreak and ensure the school and everyone in it is safe.

Surveillance Technology

Parents trust schools with children’s well-being. But unfortunately, schools cannot monitor each student individually to adhere to safety and hygiene standards. Smart School Administration System (SSAS) is a system that uses an AI framework, machine learning, IoT and computer vision to improve security and hygiene at schools. SSAS allows school administrators to connect all their devices (cameras, machines, fleets, property facilities and fleets); networks; people to sensors and controls to gather the necessary data to make the system work. The system can intelligently feed data into ML algorithms to draw intelligent insight and trigger an alarm on a possible device before an event occurs.

Automated Service Systems

Automated service systems can monitor students and the system’s automation can also optimize the cost substantially by repurposing/limiting the number of security guards required at various points within the school premises. The schools have an already-established record of who has accessed their school premises using issued ID cards. This data can easily be used to improve the system. To minimize exposure, restricted access could also be added to this system. This system will have many benefits, including getting school students back on-premises after COVID 19, automating school systems to optimize school cost and resources, preventing crime within school premises, and reducing stress among parents, leading to better health and productivity.

Schools are currently on the lookout for automated data-driven solutions to improve the accuracy of operations like contact tracing, mask detection, and occupancy management. These too are some of the several use cases of AI technology in schools. Leveraging this technology, the school management can ensure they’re giving their best shot at welcoming back students into a healthy and safe environment.

AI in Web Development: Everything You Need to Know

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the most advantageous fields in the past few years. Regardless of the disturbance 2020 has caused, the opportunities provided by AI show no sign of losing their pace. AI and web development projects are no longer science fiction and are already approved by public and private organizations all around the globe.

People are a long way away from the imaginary thought that AI robots are coming for humans. But the truth is that humans rely a lot on artificial intelligence with its growth as a society. Organizations are using best free AI website builder to build stunning website in less time and price. AI is one step closer towards developing and investing more technological discoveries by implementing the logic and intelligence of humans. The algorithms of artificial intelligence and deep machine learning mechanisms are looking out for ways to make routine activities comfortable.

The advancements and innovation in technology have brought complex but sophisticated new sources called sci-fi technology into reality. Artificial intelligence in web applications has entered every field like healthcare, blockchain, banking, education, and many more. The great way artificial intelligence is providing its activity in the past few years is through web development. For further guidance, you can contact a top CMS development company to be of great help.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

You must have heard so much about AI and web development projects that now you have been excited to know what AI is and how to implement AI in websites?

Artificial Intelligence in web development is simply an act of programming computers and devices made to decide and carry out actions that humans do. Operations like planning, learning, solving issues, voice recognition, and many more. In simple words, AI can have a machine and a computer to learn and think, a field of integrated knowledge to make computers intelligent.

Voice search, smartphones, autopilot, home cleaning robots, all of these activities are AI. All of them have the efficiency of any action being facilitated a hundred times. Software development services include various steps where the data is transferred to a machine that would be more productive, and that is made possible because of AI.

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Web Development

When we talk about AI and web development projects, the platform provides uses with lots of advantages. The AI development companies learn to embrace innovative technologies that influence all the solutions. These solutions involve integration testing and security issues. The tools that AI is inclined to use are nothing but a bunch of jargon for developers. Thus, if you are thinking of using Artificial intelligence in web development from scratch, reach many organizations.

Thus, big tech giants like Google and Facebook have introduced AI tool kits that provide ready-made plugins if you want to adopt AI web development. These machine learning and natural learning process are to be attributed in web applications. It has made it possible for small-scale businesses to incorporate AI in web applications. Nowadays, developers do not require any codes in AI language to get benefitted from the technology. Rather they word with tools and API that they are already known with. These are some of the ways where the role of Artificial in web development has benefitted the developers:

  • It helps to search faster.
  • It provides a relevant, enhanced user experience and interaction.
  • It also offers productive digital marketing activities to target new customers.
  • It permits the system to modify over time and then adapt to the user habits and change the general mistakes.
  • The role of AI web development has helped web store owners with a personalized experience.

Artificial Intelligence in Web Development

Nowadays, possessing a website is compulsory for all the business fields in the market. Hence, artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in reshaping web design and development. As per the Statista report, the revenue generation from Artificial Intelligence is expected to reach $126 billion by 2025. From healthcare, manufacturing, hotels to every digital service, artificial intelligence has its stakes everywhere in the market. It is because the various web and mobile app development companies have started building AI-enabled sites.


Undoubtedly, AI is transforming with each passing year. And if we look into the positive aspects of using Artificial intelligence in web development, it is pretty apparent that it would bring the best from the tools used. This is why CMS development companies are using the power of AI to develop intelligent web applications.

In the coming future, it is believed that AI will control all the innovations shortly. By enhancing the user experience and allowing the users to build web applications at a faster pace. Thus before you hire your AI developers, you need to ensure that the development requires authentic and consumer concentric.

We hope that this article would have provided you with a piece of brief information and data related to AI and web development projects.