Samsung creates world’s most powerful graphics DRAM chip

24-gigabit Graphics Double Data Rate 6 (GDDR6) is based on third-generation 10-nanometer technology and boasts a processing speed that is 30 percent more efficient than other products, according to the company in an announcement.

South Korean tech giant Samsung has created a new active random-access memory (DRAM) chip. Samsung claims it’s the fastest graphics DRAM chip designed with faster performance and higher efficiency than prior chips.

Its 24-gigabit Graphics Double Data Rate 6 (GDDR6) utilizes the third generation of 10-nanometer technology. The company stated in an announcement that it boasts a processing speed that is 30 percent more efficient than other products.

The latest DRAM chip can process images with graphics at speeds up to 1.1 trillion bytes per second, which Samsung declares is the most efficient in the world, and it is equal to processing up to 275 Full HD films in a second.

Graphics DRAM chips can be found in devices that require video and images with high-resolution 3D games, notebooks, personal computers, and other devices that require high-end processors.
Soon, we could see high-end computers, electric cars, high-end computers, and autonomous vehicles that utilize the New DRAM Graphic chip technology, according to Yonhap, the news organization.

Samsung has stated that in the coming years, much artificial intelligence and graphic companies will likely opt for Samsung graphic chips as Samsung has complied with every standard and norm set by JEDEC.
The JEDEC Solid State Technology Association is a semiconductor association responsible for chip standardization.

Samsung said that utilizing the so-called variable voltage scaling the GDDR6 DRAM increases efficiency by nearly 20%.

Taking the lead in the next generation of graphics DRAM market will be Samsung’s objective of mass producing the new graphics chip at an opportune time to meet growing customer demands.
Samsung, the world’s leading memory chip maker, experienced its DRAM sales decline during the first three months of the year’s second quarter

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