Tag Archives: Colombian video game Wold War Doh

Colombian video game World War Doh exceeds 500,000 downloads in two hours

The strategy game is called “World War Doh” and was designed by the mobile entertainment studio Jam City. It is now available worldwide.

                                                                      Image Credit >>>> jamcity.com

The mobile game “World War Doh”, the first one made in Colombia to be activated in real time and multiplayer, exceeded 500,000 downloads two hours after being released to the world market this Friday.

The game, explained to Efe Jairo Nieto, one of its creators, is “a small reflection of the Latin American absurdity, of our reality.”
“For example, one of the characters is a commander who is clearly a dictator type ‘banana republic’, who acts absurdly and with a touch of humor in our region,” said Nieto, who is also general co-manager of the entertainment studio Mobile Jam City in Bogotá.

Creation and production

For almost four years, the creators began working on the video game and for this they combined creative and development processes to produce different technological prototypes.

More than 100 people participated in this production, both in the Bogotá office and in the other Jam City branches in cities such as Los Angeles.

In the US city office they supported the creation of development issues, as well as marketing services and user segmentation.

The idea behind “World War Doh”

The characters, which include commanders, witches and monsters, are made of modeling clay to make the game stand out in mobile stores. The goal is to combine the tenderness of the game’s characters with their weapons and attacks, which are, on the contrary, very lethal.

The mode of operation is multiplayer in real time, that is to say two people face each other and have at their disposal armies of characters that have elements to bend their opponent.

The game, Nieto said, is aimed at users that the company defines as “competitive dominators,” because winning requires a lot of strategy and intelligence.

The main features of “World War Doh” include the ability to control the characters on the battlefield, to transform them after defeating their rivals and to use unlimited strategies to achieve victory.

A thriving industry in Colombia

“The industry is on track. The journey has been long and in the two elements that must be qualified for this type of industry, which are internal maturity and reputation abroad, Colombia is very well positioned,” said Nieto . “On any platform the country is known as an exporter of great talent and good products. Maturity has been slow but sure,” he added.

With this game, Jam City has won awards such as Apple’s “Best of 2017” award in the technology and innovation category for Latin America and the “Best in Show: Audience Choice” in Casual Connect USA during its first release.

That is why the company expects that in this release the game will have a good acceptance by the public.

“It has brought us great pride and invites us to continue to improve ourselves as professionals and industry and continue to improve in the sense of new economies and in the industries created by young people in Colombia,” said Alejandro González, co-manager of Jam City in Bogotá