How is Machine Learning Making The World A Better Place?

Machine Learning Making The World A Better Place

“Machine learning has enormous advantages and applications—it is capable of making the world a better place—even it can destroy it in no time. Everything depends on how you take it and apply it to the sole purpose of humanity and others’ life. ”  


The world is already a better place not only for humanity but for everyone around. But what creates a big difference is machine learning and its application that shows new ways to live a life of many dreams coming true. The world has become fast-paced, and competitions are too high. Surviving is not the key here but innovative, following the latest trends and automation to sustain any business.

And if you see the latest machine learning applications, you can witness how the world shapes into a better place—and how you can make it easier either by creating or following the norms.

Let’s dive in and explore how machine learning plays a significant role in making the earth a better place to live.

Machine learning Applications in Covid-19

How is Machine Learning Making The World A Better Place

Humanity would have been extinct, uncountable dead bodies lying here and there if there would have been no machine learning. The Covid-19 virus is that dangerous. After the 1st and 2nd waves, the third wave will hit in the next few months.

Imagine what would have been the case if there were no facilities to track daily records of newly infected, death, and recovered rates. Consider the ease of monitoring vaccinations, doses and scheduling them with Arogya Setu from your mobile device.

And when you open the app, it asks a few basic questions to know you better about your state and with whom you have come in contact using simply Bluetooth and GPS. Even it gives you regular information about the person you have come in contact with and asks you to take necessary precautions before Covid-19 attacks you and you become the next super spreader.

You only see the information on the news channel or the website. Has this question ever popped into your head “how is everything trackable, and can we know the exact situation of Covid cases?” It’s all feasible because of machine learning algorithms and their suitable applications by data scientists and machine learning engineers.

Every time you take an RT-PCR test, the results land at your registered mobile number within 24 hours. Not only you, but 10 -15 lakhs tests happen a day, then how is the government able to track everything and save individuals from deadly Covid-19—that’s the power of machine learning towards healthy humanity and the earth. 

Machine Learning Applications in Education

Machine Learning Applications in Education

Education leads to wisdom, being innovative and practical at the same time. But if you lack one, you suffer for a lifetime. It’s as simple as that to sustain in this highly competitive world.

Machine learning played a crucial role in scaling up the educational system. Today it is a whole new level than it was years back. Using the LMS allows busy professionals to learn at their convenience while scaling up their careers.

But due to the worst Covid-19 hit, schools and other educational institutes somehow managed to bring their whole educational system into the track, launching their LMS platforms and live classes.  

The real magic with the LMS platform is: it tracks each data of each person. Lecturers won’t have to teach again what you missed, but you can attend them online till you grasp the core concept of it. It also tracks how many modules are left and that you have completed. Even it gives the lecturers the freedom to collect the assignment and share their reviews just like it happens in the classroom.

Banking and Financial Industry To Safeguard Your Financial Activities

Banking and Financial Industry To Safeguard Your Financial Activities

Imagine for a moment what if all the ATMs near you stop working for days, can’t dispense cash for you, and UPI and internet banking go on hold for an unlimited time due to server issues. Then how would you see the world now? Going crazy, right? Even the bank staff will fall crazy, and so their computers handle the whole people in their areas.

But to manage hassle-free and keep track of every transaction, machine learning plays a vital role in the banking industry. It tracks the loans, cash, balances, cheque, UPI transactions from third-party apps, credit and debit cards, internet banking, etc. When there is a withdrawal or deposit, it sends a text message to the registered number about the latest balance.

When finance is involved, there are risks, data tampering, unauthorized access, fraudulent activities. Still, machine learning has self-learning activities that notify the users and the respective bank at the same time when there is withdrawal. Even with OTP, the two-factor verification adds an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access and data tampering and keep you safe from money laundering activities.

Online Recommendation Engines For Getting You Your Favorite Stuff

Online Recommendation Engines For Getting You Your Favorite Stuff

Ever came across this question, ‘Why is the eCommerce business one of the most successful business models globally, and why are more and more entrepreneurs into this model lately?’ Yes, e-Commerce is the futuristic business model for which most businesses are in threat.

The secret to their success is that more and more entrepreneurs are the eCommerce business-savvy recommendation. When you buy an iPhone or click on the ‘add to cart option’ the next moment, it shows you ‘people who have also brought these items’ with a cover and tempered glass. This way, it persuades you to buy more items at a time with some handy discounts.

Even online platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Videos, Hotstar+Disney, youTube, and Spotify use an innovative engine recommendation system based on experience to recommend the next watch. Every time you watch, it tracks the data about how much time you spent watching, how much is left, so when you open it, it shows you the currently watching, top ten grossing based on most people watching, and so on.

Google Search Algorithms & Personal Assistants As Helping Hand For All Problems

Google Search Algorithms & Personal Assistants As Helping Hand For All Problems

Google is a repository of uncountable data that has limitless potential. That’s why the whole world runs and trusts Google for all the required information and answers. Google uses NLP to understand human queries and personal assistants ( Google Voice Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri) to give them the best possible solutions.

Whenever a person searches using voice assistants or search engines, these ML algorithms behind the search engines break the whole queries into small chunks using NLP, look for the exact information, and the most relevant one that people have visited the most.

But the fundamental transformation that happened when personal assistants got into the real action was the best thing that happened to humanity. Take Google, for example. Say ‘Ok Google!’ to activate your assistance and ask your queries without typing, or ask Google to send a message, dial someone. Or play your favorite songs, book a table for the next meeting or remind you about the birthday; Google does everything flawlessly.

It needs your voice and can read news for you, say about the forecast, the traffic, whatever you want from Google—ask away. The same applies to other search engines and personal assistants. And guess what, you all have them on your mobile devices.

Email Spam and Malware Filters To Save You From Online Frauds

Email Spam and Malware Filters To Save You From Online Frauds

Online frauds are the most common thing in today’s world, and cyber attackers use email to target their new potential customers. They use lottery, money, and other things to steal your credit card information and ask you to share your OTP to use your data against yourself.

So with updating algorithms, whenever a mail lands in your inbox, Google uses various filters to decide where it is supposed to land. If it contains a few words, spam, or many users marked spam to the senders, Google filters learn it using ML algorithms. It automatically sends that email to the spam folder to protect you from different fraudulent activities and online phishing.

Though it’s not a new thing already, it’s getting robust with time, now more trustable with safe keeping from online frauds.

Final Words

These are a few top-notch applications of machine learning to make the world a better place to live and give us a healthy lifestyle. Yet, many applications are breathtaking. Machine learning has essential applications for protecting human life, as evidenced by the recent Covid-19.

The applications of machine learning made the distance between two places almost negligible today. You can go on video calls to meet your favorite persons virtually, even attend meetings virtually over zoom calls and Microsoft team meetings that add an extra layer of data security to protect your privacy.

So use machine learning in the right way; it has the potential to get you the best things you have ever imagined. It has life-changing applications in many ways, so you can make the world even better, a happier place than it is now. 

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