Cyber security threat predictions in 2022

Despite the latest security software, firewalls, and end-to-end encryption processes, cyber criminals find new ways to incorporate security systems with tiny loopholes daily. In 2021, we went through some of the most vulnerable hacks around the world. In order to combat such attacks every individual tech savvy should follow security measures to safeguard their personal… Continue reading Cyber security threat predictions in 2022

Cyber Security Basics You Need To Be Aware

In today’s digital age, it is crucial for individuals to have a solid grasp of the fundamentals of cyber security. With the increasing reliance on technology and the ever-present threat of cyber attacks, being aware of the basics is essential to protect yourself and your sensitive information. Cyber security encompasses a wide range of practices… Continue reading Cyber Security Basics You Need To Be Aware

What is Phishing & How to avoid it

Phishing is a system of internet fraud. With its aid, attackers decides to try to tempt confidential data from the individual or induce him to shoot any unwelcome activities. Gullible users have been captured fish inside the example of personal adware, and imitation internet sites created by cybercriminals are the bait and hook. These sites… Continue reading What is Phishing & How to avoid it

The cyber attacks cost victims the most money : Be careful

There are so many cyber attacks which in one way or another can compromise our personal computer systems. Some are intended to steal passwords, data, infect your computer and make it malfunction. many varieties that hackers use to achieve their targets. But not all provide the same value. In this guide, we are going to… Continue reading The cyber attacks cost victims the most money : Be careful

Remote workers need to improve security measures

  Security firm Avast provides tips on how people can work safely from their homes during an epidemic. Technological support and security measures are one of the ways organizations and their employees can protect their jobs when they start working remotely during the COVID-19 outbreak. While digital security firm Avast has also been working to… Continue reading Remote workers need to improve security measures

Cyber Security Threats 2020

Cyber Security Threats Although making predictions about the state of cyber security is fun, it may not be much fun for security experts to decide which threats to prepare for most. So much so that an engineer from the Akamai Security Intelligence Response Team said this; he explains that a really good prediction cannot be… Continue reading Cyber Security Threats 2020

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