WhatsApp will stop supporting on Android 2.3.7 and iOS 8

Starting today, February 1, the popular WhatsApp messenger will stop supporting legacy Android and Android operating systems (version 2.3.7 and later) and iOS (8 and earlier versions). This is stated in a message on the developers site.

In order to use the application, owners of devices with an outdated operating system are recommended to upgrade to Android 4.0.3, iOS 9 and their later versions, as well as to phones based on KaiOS 2.5.1 and newer. It is noted that you cannot transfer chat history from one platform to another, but users have the opportunity to export their chat history by email.

Also, the report says, some WhatsApp functions may stop working on legacy devices at any time. In particular, users of devices with Android 2.3.7 and iOS 8 can no longer create new accounts in the messenger – only connect existing ones

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