8 Areas Where Artificial Intelligence Is Going To Impact Our Lives In Future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a highly significant technological advancement that has affected every industry and human being. The major tech trend, AI, frequently appears in the most demanded areas of expertise, drastically impacting our lives and changing our future.

AI has the scope to change the future for the better. It has brought in the emergence of big data, the internet of things, robotics and the integration of cloud computing for the smooth running of organisations. AI is already present in almost all industries in our smart devices, cars, applications and more.

The significant impact of artificial intelligence in our lives and the fictional portrayal in movies has created a false fear that AI will make human beings outdated in the workforce. On the contrary, having human tasks automated only means more room for job opportunities in artificial intelligence.

The Impact of AI in the Future

 AI has impacted our lives by all means, starting from mobile phone search queries to how we shop. The drastic involvement of AI in many business sectors has grown over 270% over the last few years. The tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple spend billions of dollars to create AI-generated products and services.

A recent Work Of The Future study concludes that AI will enable new industries to emerge rather than mass unemployment. It will create new job roles more than those lost to tech development. The foreseeable future promises that the involvement of AI will not replace people, instead build the workforce skills and knowledge to adapt to the changing future.

Areas of Application of Artificial Intelligence

Some of the prominent sectors where artificial intelligence has thrived and is going to impact our lives drastically in the future include:

  1. Transportation
  2. Education
  3. Healthcare
  4. Job search
  5. Cybersecurity
  6. E-commerce
  7. Agriculture
  8. House Service

1. Transportation

We are in an era where we see AI impacting the world of transportation. Even though the technology is yet to be perfected within a decade, automated cars and trains ferry us from one place to another.

AI has also impacted productivity in the automobile sector. The adoption of AI within the workplace has boosted the manufacturing pace up to 54%. The growing market for driverless vehicles is thriving with the AI-powered Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS). It includes automated braking, lane departure warning, driver drowsiness detection, and other safety features.

2. Education

AI in the education field ensures that teachers are indispensable and the AI features are present only to improve the quality of education. However, artificial intelligence will never replace teachers; instead, it focuses on adaptive learning and proctoring.

Artificial intelligence assisting education fills the gap of learning. It helps to monitor the level of knowledge and the grasping power of students. In this way, AI can support the teacher in drafting a teaching method that supports all levels of students.

Intelligent tutors and other AI technologies will brighten the future of education. It will help widen the access to education with virtual assistance. Proctoring will help human lecturers during the passing of control and examination tests.

3. Healthcare

AI has proven its benefits in automating medical diagnostics by mining patients’ medical records. As a result, the mass amount of data in the medical field are utilised in the diagnostic contexts that efficient doctors guide.

AI also has helped to speed up drug discovery and monitor patients through virtual nursing assistants. Technologies such as IBM Watson process the patients’ data and assist the physicians’ in making better decisions about their treatment.

4. Job search

The introduction of artificial intelligence to do menial jobs that are repetitive and time-consuming has increased productivity and decreased the chance of human error. In addition, automating burdensome human tasks has enhanced precision and efficiency.

In addition, AI has significantly impacted the job search and filtration of job applicants in most companies. About 75% of resumes are rejected with an AI-generated Automated Applicant Tracking System (ATS); only then does the remaining job applicant profiles reach a human being. 

Like resume scanning done by AI-powered programs, resumes can be optimised according to the job roles and requirements using certain types of AI. Jobscan and Jobseer are some examples that will help you beat the ATS by tweaking your resume to the perfect job role.

5. Cybersecurity

The increased cyber-attacks has forced business leaders to incorporate artificial intelligence into cybersecurity. But, unfortunately, cybercriminals have taken advantage of the work from the home feature as they use vulnerable Wi-Fi networks.

Hence, AI and machine learning are used by firms to predict potential threats in cybersecurity. The threat intelligence will recognise patterns from past experiences, helping companies reduce incident response time.

6. E-commerce

Today’s almost everyone is affiliated with the e-commerce industry one way or the other. Artificial intelligence is known to play a crucial role in each sector of the industry. It is utilised to enhance the user experience to change the marketing distribution drastically.

AI is expected to carry the e-commerce industry into the next level by optimising chatbots, personalised shopping experience, image-based target advertising and inventory automation.

7. Agriculture

Technological advancements have spread across the agricultural field under the intensive growth of the global AI market. Precision agriculture is fulfilled with the help of AI, which improves the harvest quality and accuracy.

Artificial intelligence in agriculture is segregated with the features of agriculture robots, crop and soil monitoring, disease diagnosis, intelligent weed detection and spraying, crop yield prediction and price forecasts.

Farmers leveraged the usage of agriculture robotics through farm harvesting, which has tackled the labour challenge. The infusion of artificial intelligence into these machines helps to identify the harvestable produce. Some of the developments that inspired the introduction of robotics into agriculture include robots for harvesting, weed killing AI, and crewless aerial vehicles. 

8. House Service

The constant upgrades of AI have bought in tremendous changes in how we live our life. With AI robots delivering packages, cleaning houses and offices, humans will continue to move onto a hassle-free living state.

The inclusion of cloud technology with AI will connect shared data, which accelerates the development of perpetual technology. Furthermore, AI robots are said to advance to where they interact with human beings through comprehensive speech and emotion.

To Sum Up

Artificial intelligence has taken a turn through its development and has impacted our lives drastically. When implemented responsibility, AI is there to benefit society. As the years go by, we are becoming more and more interlinked with robots and AI features.

Even if it surpasses human abilities and work precision, it has drastically improved the quality of our lives.

Authors Bio :

Sujith Kumar is a professional IT Faculty having more than 18 years of experience in Dubai. He schedules classes into facilities and provides software instructions.  He spends most of his free time learning new software skills and also interested in driving and reading. He is now working as a trainer in Edoxi Training Institute.

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