8 tips to improving user experience with mobile UX design


Nowadays, there is an addition to the basic need for Mobile phones. Mobile phones have become very important for all of us become the need of everyone.

Users’ requirements are fast working with less effort and with zero friction. User finds themselves in three scenarios such as Micro tasking – User uses their cell phone with one hand and use multiple tabs at a time or buying tickets.

The second scenario is local – they use cell phones to know what is going around and the last scenario is Bored – many people use it when they are bored and use newsfeed while waiting.

What is mobile UX design?

Mobile UX design is designed for the best use of user experience with wearable devices these Devices are applications. Mobile UX designers need to be very focused while designing the application and it should be user-friendly.

All the issues can be resolved with the best UX design in the cell phone. The issue can be resolved by hiring a UX designer of the mobile phone companies. UX designers can make a unique and interesting design that helps the mobile to work fast and user friendly to all the users.

Following are the 8 tips that can help to improve the user experience with mobile UX design.

  1. Efficient onboarding

Efficient onboarding is the first step to being improved by the UX designer as many users download the app and dint use it for a longer period due to many steps while login into the application. If there are fewer steps like only user id and password and one authentication sign-in. It reflects the user-friendly and helpful for all age group members to use the apps.

  1. Usability

The second most important factor is the design of usability, the application’s layout, design, contents and other elements of the application should user friendly. All the layouts must be the same and the same size. If the gesture of swiping right helps to add the item the then same gestures should be used under all departments of the application.

  1. Limit user input

As the mobile screen is shot, the users get frustrated while inputting the data. It is recommended to hire dedicated developers as they have the experience to know the most important fields. The design of data feeding can decrease the time being used by the users. This design can streamline the process of autocorrect and spelling checks.

  1. Offer assistance

Application with an assistant is helpful for users as they decrease the time of understanding and searching for the requirement under the application. UX designers can opt for chatbots, FAQs, live chats, and click to call for assistance button. This helps the users to know the application and can recommend it to others also.

  1. Personalized the UX

The fifth important factor is personalized UX design, the developer can add only those items which are as per their location and their need. The Developer can access the SEO as they will help to know the user’s requirements and pops only those contents. Further, it can add the name of the user on the screen which is an effective way of personalized.

  1. Assure security and trustworthy

The application which pops up a list of permission before accessing the application creates a threat in the mind. There must be transparency in permission policies and also allow users to know about personal information. The settings should include all those contents of permission which has been granted by the users and can be changed later.

  1. Ensure continuity and consistency

The user-friendly UX design by the company for mobile phones is user continuity. If the application is being used by the user they left it should continue later where they left, it helps the users to switch the apps from one to another. There should be consistency under the application that helps users to track orders.

  1. Tactical UI design

The design should be very simple and with a quality interface. The developer should make sure the design is glance ability and quick scanner as there are different behavior under mobile phones. The tactical UI design is a very important factor as it creates seamless visuals for the user to guide at the first element.


The above-mentioned 8 elements are very important for improving the UX design of the mobile phone as it creates user-friendly apps and websites for the users. The UX design should be important as it helps to create business and more users.

Author Bio:


Prashant Pujara is the founder and CEO of MultiQoS Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a web and mobile development company where you can hire react native app developer for your business. He is in charge of the company’s commercial and delivery operations and strategic planning and strategy.

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