Best AI Email Assistants 2024

Choosing the Best AI email assistants depends on your specific needs and priorities.

These AI email assistants leverage AI, ML, and NLP to automate and facilitate email writing tasks for improved personalization and management . They can help you with writing messages, sorting, prioritizing, and deleting emails, and more. However, it’s important to note that most AI email apps have integrated OpenAI’s models into the compose window, but that’s about it. They only handle the writing part .

If you’re interested in building your own AI-powered email workflows, you can use generative AI to write messages, run sentiment analysis on the message, understand the topic of the email, and summarize the email or the entire thread .

Best AI Email Assistants

AI Email Assistants

For Organized Inbox:

SaneBox: Uses AI to automatically triage emails, move unimportant ones away, and surface the most important ones. Great for reducing email overload and focusing on what matters.

  • SaneBox is an email assistant that helps cut email management time in half and achieve a cleaner, more productive inbox
  • It offers a free 14-day trial with no credit card required
  • SaneBox uses AI to identify important emails and automatically organize less relevant emails into folders
  • This allows users to focus on priority emails in their inbox and safely ignore the rest
  • SaneBox sends daily digests about sorted emails and inbox activity so users don’t miss anything important
  • Users can teach SaneBox with custom filters, contact training, and more
  • It works with Gmail, Office 365, iCloud, or any email address
  • SaneBox is easy to use – works similar to email folders
  • Users can cancel anytime and SaneBox will return their inbox exactly how it was
  • Offers solutions for businesses and enterprises to manage employee email overload

For Personalized Emails: Analyses recipient data and suggests personalized greetings, closing lines, and even emojis to build rapport and improve email response rates.

  • is an AI email writer that personalizes cold emails to skyrocket response rates
  • The tool analyses the prospect’s LinkedIn and website to create unique email personalization
  • It allows users to choose an email objective like booking meetings or driving traffic
  • generates emails with personalizations in just 3.28 seconds
  • The key benefits are more replies, meetings, and sales from cold email outreach
  • It has a free version to try the “future of email” and AI email personalization
  • was founded by Sujan Patel of Mailshake
  • The tool continues to push the envelope of using AI for advanced email personalization

For Sales Emails: Focuses on crafting effective cold emails and follow-ups for B2B sales teams. Provides AI-powered email templates, subject lines, and follow-up sequences to increase conversion rates.

  • ✉️ Lavender is an AI sales email coach that helps users write better emails faster and get more positive replies
  • 📈 It is the #1 AI sales email coach and highly rated on review sites
  • 💵 Pricing starts at free forever for basic features or $29/month for individuals
  • 👥 Team pricing is $69/user/month and includes additional features like leader boards
  • 🏆 Well-known companies and sales leaders endorse Lavender’s value for improving email sales outreach

For Writing Emails Faster:

Ellie AI Email Assistant: Offers short writing suggestions and prompts to help you compose emails quickly and efficiently. Also remembers your past email history and writing style to personalize suggestions.

For Features and Automation:

Mailbutler: A feature-rich AI assistant that helps with scheduling emails, tracking email opens, managing contacts, and even automatically summarizing long emails.

Other notable options:

Smart Writer: Similar to Mailbutler, offering email writing assistance, scheduling, and follow-ups. Focuses on email productivity with features like auto-completing sentences, scheduling emails, and setting follow-up reminders.

Boomerang for Gmail: Helps schedule emails to be sent later, track email opens, and set reminders for follow-up.

When choosing AI email assistants, consider:

Your budget: Some assistants have free plans with limited features, while others require paid subscriptions.
Your email platform: Not all assistants integrate with all email platforms.
Your specific needs: Do you need help with organization, writing, sending, or tracking emails?
The assistant’s features: Compare the features offered by different assistants to see which one best suits your needs.

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