Top 7 Tips on How to Overcome Exam Phobia


The idea of student’s life being fun always is not ideal. There is a constant burden of studying, doing assignments and the peer pressure of being the best amongst all. All this leads to anxiety which affects the well-being of students.

Amongst this all, the most significant anxiety comes from the fear of exams. Even students who study everything often go through this. So today, we are here to help you tame your anxiousness and give you tips on how to overcome your exam phobia.

Top 7 Tips on How to Overcome Exam Phobia

Tips to Overcome Exam Phobia

1) Make a schedule

Having a schedule for your everyday life is the key to having a successful academic life. This helps you in planning your studies and having a designated time for daily activities.  Students who do not have a routine often end up jumbling their work. This leads to a class of studying, doing assignments and all work-related stuff.

Hence, having a schedule will help you stay ahead of time. The timetable of each person varies from person to person depending upon their mundane life. Suppose if due to tons of work, you are questioning yourself, “Who will Do My Math Homework?” in that case, you can hire experts or get assistance from teachers and friends to not deviate from your usual routine. Do not hesitate to make changes in your routine if you are making changes in your everyday life.

2) Test yourself frequently

The fear of exams often comes to students who are not sued to giving exams. But this fear can be easily countered by giving more exams. Even if your school does not hold regular exams, you can still test yourself. There are several ways of doing this. Once can be through online tests, practising sample papers and giving more written exams.

When you are habituated with giving more exams, then the fear of examinations starts fading away. Students make the mistake of only studying without testing themselves, which becomes an obstacle in exams. You can also test yourself by trying out new things like using a conclusion generator, how to use online tools etc., to keep challenging yourself. This will prepare you for the best and eliminate all your study related phobias.

3) Enhance writing skills

Talking about testing yourself, another thing you need to pay attention to is your writing skills. Under the pressure of the clock, students ignore the kind of answers they are framing. No matter how brilliant students are, if they cannot jot it down well in the papers, all the efforts go into vain. Practice writing well under pressure to create scenarios similar to exams.

When you are testing yourself, focus on checking the quality of your papers. Make a habit of writing down your answers after studying to implement your knowledge into presentable writing skills. Remember, your documents will be judged on what you write. There are several ways to improve your writing. For example, suppose you are getting Zara Case Study Help from professional writers. You can read the way they frame their papers and implement the same in your writing.

4) Practice relaxation strategies

Not everyone can eliminate their fear of examination through studying. Even if you have tried all the tips and none of them is working out for you, then now is your time to try out some relaxation strategies.  Relaxation strategies can help you calm your mind and get rid of your anxiety.

Some common relaxation strategies are yoga, meditation and simple walks around your colony. You can also listen to calm music to get rid of your distress. Following one or two relaxation techniques will help you take yourself out of panic. Whenever in stressed, you can try any simple relaxation techniques to return to your normal state. You cannot give your best if you are under pressure. Hence, soothe your sense and focus on your tasks for efficiency.

5) Have a balanced diet

Stress might cause you to feel detached from consuming healthy foods. But that is the most harmful thing you can do to yourself. In addition, students have to study for long hours at night and do not have a proper eating schedule. So although it may seem like you are saving time for your exam preparation, it will not serve you well in the longer run.

Eat proper meals, don’t skip your breakfast and stay hydrated. Don’t consume alcoholic beverages and foods with higher caffeine content to feel energised. These are temporary measures and can have harmful effects in the longer run. Good nutrition helps your brain to get the vital nutrients it needs to function optimally.

6) Get guidance from superiors

There is no shame in asking for help if you cannot tackle all your problems alone. You can get assistance from experts and take necessary actions. Professionals might help you guide the steps you need to talk about to get rid of your exam phobia.

Sometimes your guide does not have to be a pronounced expert. It can be your family members, friends or even university professors who know you well. The people who know you well know about your insecurities and properly guide you. They can also help you in scheduling and planning your study timetable and everyday activities.

7) Stay positive

Finally, always be optimistic and look towards the brighter side. Do not let your pressure get the best out of you. Be positive in all situations, and do not freak yourself out. If you are constantly in self-doubt, then you can never make progress.

Having a fear of examination is quite common. Most of the students go through it. But once you find the strategy to calm yourself, you will be able to perform your best. Having negative thoughts is only going to bring you down. So be positive and don’t like exam fears to get the best of you.

Parting thoughts

Don’t let your exam phobia rule your future. Your marks are what is going to guide your career path. Fear of exams is pretty normal, but letting it get in your way can affect your grades and your future. Follow the tips mentioned above to control your distress and explore your real calibre.

Author Bio

William Smith is PhD holder in science for the University of Alaska. He has spent more than six years helping students excel in their careers. Currently, He is associated with as a professional citation expert. Students trust her more than using an oxford referencing generator.

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