What Is Flat Design and How Can It Help You Market Your Business?

What Is Flat Design

What Is Flat Design?

When entrepreneurs and business owners analyze different design styles to gain inspiration, you have likely come across some flat designs during your research. This begs the question as to what exactly is flat design? Considering this design’s minimalist nature, it has become the go-to design style for many graphic designers and website developers.

Startup and large corporations view flat designs favorably and seek to incorporate this design due to their bright, clean, and concise 2D structures.  Flat design is also ideal for designers because their technique revolves around simple rules instead of utilizing strict principles. These simplistic options organically heighten the usability of the plan.

Understanding Flat Design

The misconception that arises from these designs is the notion that flat design is boring, especially concerning its simplicity. This notion is downright false. In fact, flat designs enable you to cleanse out and remove irrelevant clutter from your marketing visuals. This includes the back and front ends of your website.

The most prominent example of a flat design in action is the design style of Microsoft. They implemented a flat design for their Windows 8 interface. This was proven to be a fantastical return to popularity for the interface of Apple iOS. You can easily avail your flat design with the support of graphic design agencies who provide their services through their unlimited graphic design packages. You will need to subscribe to these packages to obtain professional experts overseeing your project.

Now that you are up to speed on the fact that many brands are emulating the flat design technique to represent their marketing design. We will enlighten you with everything you need to know about this technique.

Merits and Demerits of Flat Design in Marketing

If you are intrigued by the usage of flat designs, you need to understand their pros and cons respectively before you can adopt their techniques. Grasping these characteristics will allow you to make an easy decision pertaining to whether a flat design is an appropriate style for you.

Flat Design as A Trend


Merits: Flat design has become a widespread trend in the current era. The brands and businesses that have made use of flat design continue to experience popularity to this day. People, in general, find current trends appealing, which facilitates their gravitation to the flat design brands. This has led to graphic designers utilizing flat designs to share in that prevalence and ensure that the techniques are as effective as they are arresting.

Demerits: There are no promises concerning how long the relevance of flat design will be maintained. Because of its trendiness, it can lose popularity with the time passage at a quick pace. The absence of this consistency gives rise to new fads and trends surfacing and taking their place in the popularity competition very soon. To summarize this in two words: Change happens. So, your flat design enforcement should be more directed towards competing with your rivals rather than rendering it as your brand’s foundation. This could put you at risk of losing capital and customers alike.

Flat Design Offers A Simple Interface 

Merits: With respect to flat designs, users will find it more convenient to navigate your format. All the visual elements are positioned relatively close to each other, which enhances their expediency. There are sometimes arrows present to assist users in navigating the design, and the links can be found in flat buttons.  The easy use of flat design makes it a vibrant choice for many brands who hope to render their plans navigable.

Demerits: There is an absence of a definition in the flat design’s icons which can confuse a lot of users who have no idea how to operate with respect to this type of procedure. They might not be able to determine or decipher the purpose of each icon. This was seen in the case of Windows 8, where users had to take a considerable amount of time to have a clear picture of making the new interface functional.

Bright Colors in Flat Design

Merits: The bright colors in flat design cater to an optimistic and positive mood. If you have any clues about color psychology, you’d know that colors evoke different people’s emotions. The brighter the colors, the more joyful a feel it creates. This makes flat designs the better choice for designers as opposed to designs with darker colors.  

Demerits: The search for bright colors can be a challenging endeavor for many designers. If a design is dominant in bright colors entirely, it can be challenging to distinguish them from one another. It can also lead to complications in identifying the right combination in the process.


Merits: The best aspect about flat designs is the fact that it is mired in simplicity. However, the selection of your fonts and correct typography is the most sensitive part of the design. It is appropriate to choose at least one or two fonts. Selecting any more than that will hinder your messaging. It is better to adopt simple fonts for your flat designs rather than ornamental ones. Decorative fonts are attractive, but they will be difficult to interpret for the average viewer.

Demerits: As mentioned before, typography is the most sensitive facet of your flat design. A single misstep will deter the effects of your arrangement and collapse its entire infrastructure as a whole. Fonts interconnect all the visual elements in a flat design, which is why choosing accurate typography carries a lot of risks and vulnerabilities. There is also less room for experimentation which makes it imperative that your font pick be sound and compatible

Flat Design Visuals

Merits: The visuals associated with flat designs are outright alluring. The visuals are simple yet gather momentum when all the lines, icons, fonts, and colors are amalgamated to form one cohesive unit.

Demerits: Despite the design’s attractiveness, many professionals do not see anything particularly standing out in flat designs due to their minimalist facet. The simplicity does not make a big splash on the kind of message you want to convey. A more standout concept would be better suited to replace such a standard choice of visuals

There are many layers when it comes to flat design, and while they may have their shortcomings, the pros outweigh the cons by a mile. The 2D conventional feature of the flat design is one of the most sought-after visual components produced by a myriad of graphic design enterprises. You can opt for their flat-rate graphic design services, making them not only accessible but also affordable. Just so long as you have the experience and the capability to conduct such a process yourself, you can execute your design with distinction. That said, this process is not to be taken lightly. If you take a casual approach to its materialization, you will be unable to receive the design’s desired effects. Proceed with caution and care, and you will have the perfect flat design for your business.

Author Bio:

Aman Khan Digital Content Producer for Designster. He develops and implements content strategies for Designster, along with aligning business goals with content marketing activities. He actively contributes articles related to digital and content marketing.

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