Scientists Develop ChatGPT like Technology to Convert Thoughts into Text

Scientists have developed a technology that can turn people’s thoughts into written text using a machine-learning model similar to ChatGPT. The researchers trained a neural network on data from brain implants that recorded activity in the brains of four women as they spoke aloud. The model then converted the neural signals into text with an accuracy rate of up to 93 percent.

The development of this technology has the potential to revolutionize the way people communicate with each other, especially for those who are unable to speak or write due to medical conditions. The technology also has applications in the field of neuroscience, where it could be used to understand how the brain processes language.

However, the technology raises ethical concerns, such as privacy and consent. The researchers stated that they took precautions to protect the privacy of the individuals involved in the study, including obtaining their consent, using de-identified data, and limiting access to the data to a small group of researchers. However, the potential misuse of this technology by governments or corporations for surveillance purposes is a concern.

Overall, this technology is a significant step forward in the field of artificial intelligence and neuroscience. While its potential benefits are substantial, the ethical concerns must be addressed and mitigated to ensure its responsible use.

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